Vince Neil ~ Oh really?

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How you and Vince met
*After Mötley Crüe finishes opening for Alice Cooper at the Whisky*
"So you're playing hard to get huh?"
That lead singer from Mötley Crüe asks sitting next to me at the bar.
I shrug.
"Not every girl wants you blondie." I say playfully rolling my eyes
"Every girl except you. The name's Vince, Vince Neil." He winks  as I study his features.
"Dee. Dee Hudson..." I trail off
"Hmm. Familiar, but doesn't ring a bell. Your beauty's captivating though."
He takes my hand and kisses the back of it, I take my hand back
as my eyes slightly widen and I chuckle a bit.
"You're quite a charmer would you say?" I slightly smirk and he chuckles
"I guess so, with the ladies." He smirks and I playfully roll my eyes
"Hey how about you spend the night with—gco"
"Vince." I say standing up and he follows
"Okay, okay." He laughs... he's kinda cute
"So, what do you say? Stop by rehearsals tomorrow?" He asks
putting his hands on my hips making me slightly blush as he pulls me closer.
Let's mess with him a bit shall we?
"Oh my god are you in a band?" I laugh
"What do you think." He says with his voice kinda deeper and we chuckle
"Yea." I shyly say as I rest my arms around his neck and his thumbs softly caress my hips
"You know, I could really use a quickie right now." He almost growls at the end
At this point our foreheads are touching and I look at his soft lips then back in his eyes
"Oh really?" I smirk and playfully push him away
"Heyy." He playfully whines and we laugh
"Here." He starts writing down something
"Call me when you get home." He smirks and hands me the little piece of paper
with a number on it that says Vince and a little heart next to it.
"Maybe we can get a little phone action." He says as I read the numbers, I can feel his smirk.
And I look up to say goodbye but he's already disappeared.

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