Tommy Lee #3 ~ Meeting the creators

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*In Vince's room backstage after shooting Looks that Kill*
"Hey Vin should I wear the white ones or the black ones?"
I ask my brother about the leather pants, T-Bone's parents are coming to the Looks that kill set today.
"I wanna look nice but not slutty. We know that's Roxie's job." I chuckle and he laughs
"Let's match then, I'll wear the black leather pants with the white leather jacket." He says
"Then I'll wear the white ones with the black leather jacket and a black n white striped top. " I say grabbing them
"With the black studded boots?" He asks
"With the black studded boots." I nod at him and we start to get dressed
"Vince, go get a matching shirt or something. Come on, we're meeting Tommy's parents not his groupies." I say rolling my eyes
"Why? I look fine just like this." He puts his white leather jacket on.
"Fine." I say
*10 minutes later*
*someone knocks at the door*
"Who is it?" Vince asks
"Guys open up its Doc, Tommy came back from the airport with his parents." Doc says
"Wait a sec." I say putting the hairspray can down then running to the door and opening it
"We're ready." I say getting out followed by Vince
"Matching today?" Doc raises an eyebrow
"Yeah man, let's just go." Vince says
*Back at the set of Looks that Kills*
Nikki's walking in front of us with Doc
"Ooh, Ma, dad. Meet the Sixxter." Tommy grins then high-fives Nikki
"Ah, so nice to finally meet you." His mom says hugging Nikki as he grins
"It's a pleasure." Tommy's dad says shaking Nikki's hand
"Hey Nikki, we could fly your family out for the next LA gig." Doc says
"Yeah, that's a great idea Doc." Nikki says annoyed
"Beat it." Vince says looking at Doc and Doc walks away
"Oh, guys, this is Vince." Tommy grins and high-fives him
"Hey, how you doing?" Vince says smiling
"Real charmer, huh?" Nikki says
"Nice to meet you." Mrs Bass hugs Vince and Mr Bass shakes his hand with a grin
"And wait you can't forget the other Neil." Tommy says pulling me from behind Nikki and Vince.
"Mom, dad this is my girl bestfriend Dee, Dee these are my parents." He grins from ear to ear
"o Theé mou!" (Greek for Oh my God) Tommy's mom says with a smile
"Ah, she's more pretty than you mention." His mom says hitting him playfully then hugging me
"Darling, I'm Voula. It's so nice to finally meet you. But call me Theía. It's Greek for aunt." She says pulling apart smiling as I smile in awe
"Nice to meet you too Theía, I'm Dee." I grin
"Yes, you know, Tommy talk about you a lot!" She says
"Oh really?" I ask and smirk at T-bone
"Mom, come on." He mumbles lightly blushing
"What? It's true." She laughs making me giggle
"Nice to meet you Dee." His dad says shaking my hand with a welcoming smile
"Nice to meet you too Mr Bass." I grin
"Please, call me David." He chuckles and I nod politely then he turns to Tommy
"I like her." He says then pats Tommy's shoulders
"Oh, guys, I want you to meet somebody else." Tommy says and I go stand next to Nikki and Vince
"Babe, babe, come here." Tommy says and Nikki straight away looks at me, I can tell he's annoyed.
I tilt my head at him and roll my eyes as Roxie comes over then I look at Vince who's slowly nodding his head in disappointment.
"Mom. Dad. This is Roxie, my fiancée." Tommy says and Nikki gives him the are you serious look.
"Pleased to meet you." Roxie says putting her hand out not even moving to go shake Voula's hand.
Voula was quite taken aback but shakes Roxie's hand before Roxie quickly pulls away.
"We're getting married." Tommy says smiling as his parents look at him and David quickly glances at me then back at Roxie and Tommy
"What's the rush Tom? Marriage is a big decision." His dad says and his mom looks at me with a sympathetic expression clearly noticing my feelings for Tommy.
"Exactly. You proposed to mom the night that you guys met, and she didn't even speak English. That's love, dude." Tommy says and Nikki turns around and walks away. Tommy's naiveness just makes him more adorable... if only he would open his eyes and see that the love of his life has been standing there in his shadows this whole time...
"That's what I've always wanted, and now that's what I got." He says as me and Vince just stand there and I slightly glare at Roxie.
"So, how did you and Tommy meet?" Voula smiles
"Well, I was actually hanging out with this other band, but then I met Tommy, and it was... Totally meant to be." Roxie looks at Tommy then back at Voula. As Tommy nods
"Ohh, I know this word." Voula says trying to remember
"Eh, Postoléne. Ehh groupie right? Is that how they call you?" Voula asks and Roxie annoyingly looks at Tommy then back at his mom.
Voula teasingly raises her eyebrows and Roxie angrily walks away.
Now we know where Tommy gets his sense of humor from.
My mouth just hangs in shock as Vince and I watch.
"Don't go away mad, just go away." I hear Vince whisper to Roxie
"Theía!" I whisper trying to hold my laughter
"Babe..." Tommy says watching Roxie leave
"Mom." T-bone says lowly
"That's not cool." He says looking down at her
"I don't understand. You say this all the time, like it's the best thing in the world." She says
"Ughh." He walks away as his parents look at each other then over at us and me and Voula start laughing.

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