Eddie Van Halen ~ Wait, what year is this?

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"Ugh what the..." I mumble as I start to wake up. I look around and it's dark. I sit up on what I believe is a bed?
"Where am I?" I look at a digital clock beside me that says 5:30 Am
"What the... when did dad get us digital clocks?" I whisper and hear someone lightly snoring beside me, must be my twin Asia. I get up out of bed and carefully tiptoe out of the room as my breath hikes a little.
"Woah." I whisper looking around, is this a mansion? I get to a beautiful white staircase
"Okay, this is a mansion..." I mumble and walk downstairs wondering into the kitchen and I notice a cute nightlight on the corner making it a tad easier to get around
"Well damn it's big in here!" I whisper yell as my eyes land on the fridge and I go over opening it
"Food, glorious food." I mumble chuckling before taking some ingredients from there and searching the cupboards for some flour and other stuff.
"There." I say before mixing the ingredients to make pancakes
"Alright... Now it goes in the pan..." I mumble as I hear footsteps coming from the staircase
"Oh shit." I whisper making my pancakes and suddenly the light shoots open and a gorgeous yet sleepy man with brown silky hair walks in his striped Pjs. Who's he? Why does it feel like I'm having Deja vu?
"I see you're up early as usual." He says rubbing his eyes and shoots me a sleepy grin. That grin... I've seen it somewhere.
"Y-Yea, I was hungry. But tell me... Do I know you?" I ask him confused
"Oh you still don't remember?" He frowns as he looks in my eyes... those beautiful hazel-green eyes I know them... only Edd—no but it can't be......
"W-what do you mean?" I ask
"You went into a coma 2 days ago and you woke up yesterday. The doctor said you might have memory loss." He sighs
"Oh..." I say quietly
"So umm... mind telling me who you are?" I raise an eyebrow
"Yea but first grab your plate and let's go back to bed." He said and I nod doing so... weird but I feel safe around him
"Come on." He says and we walk out then go to our bedroom and I put the plate on the nightstand
"So..." I say
"I'm Edward , well everyone calls me Eddie or Ed." He says and I get the strongest sense of Deja vu
"Eddie?" I ask shocked
"Yeah" he says
"I—my boyfriend's name was Eddie." My eyes lighten up
"That's me, I'm Eddie, Eddie Van Halen." He says and my eyes water a little bit
"Eddie?" I softly say wiping my tears and he nods
"Wait—so if you're really my Eddie then when did we meet?" I ask testing him and he thinks for a bit
"September 10th." He says
"The year." I say playfully rolling my eyes
"1969. And it was me and Al's first day at Pasadena High." He lets out a chuckle and holds my hand as I move closer
"And the babies from the baby project?" I half grin and he sighs
"They were boy&girl Twins and their names were Eric&Lydia." I smile
"Eric and Lydia what?" I lightly smirk as I'm now straddling him
"Van Halen." He says wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck
"It is you." I smile
"Yea, it is." He smiles as we hug him but I feel a little bump between us and he grins so I look down and...
"Holyyy.........am I???" I ask wide eyed as Eddie puts his hand on my belly
"Yea, that's our future little rockstar." He smiles widely, that smile I truly adore making me softly grin.
"Well, what do we name the baby?" I ask smiling
"We already named it honey." He grins lovingly aww its the cutest thing.
"We di—of course we did." I facepalm then giggle
"Well, what did we name our baby?" I ask him
"Well, we were actually thinking about naming it Vinnie Lydia if it's a girl or Vince Eric if it's a boy..." He says softly and grins
"Aww, Vinnie and Vince." I coo as he chuckles
"What year are we in??" I ask
"1985." He shrugs and my eyes widen. 1985? IM LIKE 28 ALREADYYY????? I stand up to go look at myself in the mirror...
"Wowww.......... I look...different." I say then put my hand on my small baby bump and smile as Eddie comes behind me and puts his hands on it too and rests his head on my shoulder
"How far along am I?" I grin
"8 weeks" he replies wow...
"A-And my due date?" I ask smiling
"March 6th next year" he kisses my cheek then goes lay down on the bed and I lay beside him
"That like, two days before my birthday." I say in awe as he grins
"What day is it today?" I ask
"August 3rd." He replies and I nod
"C-Can I, go see Saul tomorrow?" I ask turning around to face him
"Who's Sau—Ohh Slash! Yeah of course honey." He kisses my forehead and I slightly scrunch up my face
"Slash? Who's that??" I ask him confused
"You're brother, Saul." He replies
"That's his name now, Slash." He says
"Slash? What kinda name is that??" I giggle shaking my head and he grins
"Something freaky... and I mean really freaky is going on." I say sitting up
"That coma really shook you up huh?" He chuckles, I guess you could say that...
"Edward I'm serious!" I complain and he sits up
"Look, how about... We go back to sleep and talk about this later in the morning over breakfast?"he asks as I give him an uneasy look
"Hmm? How does that sound?" He asks and pecks my lips
"Fine." I sigh as he caresses my cheek and we lay back down
"Goodnight sweetheart." He says and we kiss
"Goodnight love." I reply turning around and he spoons me as we fall back asleep

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