Alex Van Halen ~ You really got me now

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"Baby I'll be right back." I assure Eddie as he holds my hand from the couch
"Okay fine." He playfully rolls his eyes as Alex is peaking his head from the door.
I smile at him and he tugs my hand gently bringing me into a kiss
"Ugh come on u guys." Alex says slightly annoyed and I hold up my index finger
He sighs
"Alright, that's enough sucking each other's faces off I NEED my best friend!" Alex walks in pulling me away from Eddie and I chuckle
*we walk to his room*
"Tsk it's like I never get to have you anymore." Alex chuckles and I laugh along with him
"Well, you really got me now. So... what's so important." I lay down on his bed and watch him pick up his basketball and pace back&forth with it.
"I just wanna spend some time with you that's all. Lately the band's been so busy and I never get to see you that much anymore." He sighs
"Yea I hear you." I stare at the ceiling
"Anyway I need to ask you a favor." He says
"Hmm?" I ask sitting up
"There's this 'thing' coming up." He looks at me
"This 'thing' ?" I cross my arms
"Yeahh." He says running his hand through his hair
"Don't tell me, you need me to pretend I'm your cousin again?" I ask non-enthusiastically
"A-Actually, this time I need you to be my girlfriend." He gulps nervously

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