Duff McKagan & Steven Adler ~ Let it snow

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"Popcorn look! It's snowing!!" I say enthusiastically as he puts his arm around me.
"Come on, let's go play in it." He grins and we race each other outside
"Hey guys, look!" Duff says then opens his arms gesturing to his snowman
"That is just the perfect snowman Duffy!" I cheerfully grin receiving a cute smile from him
"Thanks." He says then hands me the baby carrot
"Wanna do the honors?" He asks
"Yea." I nod
"Wait, let me go get some chocolate." Popcorn says running to the tour bus as me and Duff chuckle
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask Duff
"Yeah." He says and I giggle
"Hey guys I'm back, there wasn't any—gco" we start throwing snowballs at him
"Heyy. That's not fair." He whines
"Okay time out." I say turning to Duff.
"Ahh." I shout as popcorn throws two snowballs at me then starts aiming at Duffster
"Ohh, you are so on, Adler!" I shout
"So are you Hudson!" Duff smirks
"What? Nooo you're supposed to be in my team Duffy!!" I fake whine then throw a snowball at him

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