Slash ~ My stepbrother...

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"Mom's working late tonight for Mr Bowie."
I say still reading a vogue magazine as Slash walks around the Isle
to get something from the cupboards.
"Whatever." He says sitting on the other side of the Isle with a lighter,
a spray can, a bag of chips, a glass of orange juice and a magazine.
"Tsk, since when did you start re—gco" I glance at the cover
"Oh, it's Playboy." I roll my eyes and he lightly smirks
"Fuck, she's hot." He says out loud then turns the page
"Say it louder won't you." I mumble as I read an article on Prince.
"She's so fucking hot." He groans sending chills down my spine, Damn it Slash.
*I pull the magazine closer to me covering my face, I can't even fucking concentrate.*
"Ughh, smokin hot." He groans again and I start to feel myself getting aroused so I cross my legs.
"Fuck." I whisper as I hear him drop his magazine then some footsteps coming toward me
"Enjoying the show?" He whispers from behind me while grabbing me by my hips

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