Guns 'n' Roses #2 ~ I think you're beautiful

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*on the way home* *in the car*
"So, how's my little pebble?" Slash grins
"Good." I smile and open the window to Steven's right
"Hey Slash open that one up too, it's a bit stinky I don't wanna be carsick.
You too Izzy and you Axl." I say and they do as told with some mumbling
"How far along are you?" Steven asks from behind me, I was sitting on his lap btw
"About 8 weeks." I grin and Duff, who's sitting in the middle
puts his hand on my tiny baby bump, you could barely tell I was pregnant yet
"Ooo, she's gonna be an adorable rockstar." He says excitedly
"Aww you guys are bonding already." I lightly chuckle at the cuteness
and Slash & Duff start arguing about the baby's gender
and who's gonna be the best uncle
"Guys stop, it's obvious. I'm going to be the best uncle."
Izzy chuckles from the front and
Slash leans in pretending to choke him
while Duff stretches forward turning on the radio
and Van Halen's Panama comes on
"Tsk, boys." I say playfully rolling my eyes
then laying back against popcorn,
I can't help but run my fingers through his soft teased hair
"Hey" he grins, his voice kind of deeper than before
"Hey." I softly reply staring at his shades
"Heyy not fair, I don't get to wear those." We both laugh
"Here. They probably look better on you."
He says helping me put them on
"Thanks." I grin
"You know, I think you're beautiful." He smiles
"Thank you."
I quickly reply with a smile before the chorus come on

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