Tommy Lee ~ Pretty fucking rad

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How you and Tommy met
*A fight breaks out between this band called London that's playing The Whisky and everybody was watching. Soon enough the Bassist gets a bleeding nose.*
"Fucking rad right?" A tall guy with teased brown and a pair of drumsticks around his belt on his leopard print pants asks me followed by a chuckle and a grin, he was kinda cute.
"Yea." I giggle
"Tommy Lee." He smiles putting his hand out
"Daniela Hudson. Dee for short." I shake his hand returning the smile as he chuckles
"Nice pants by the way." I grin
"Thanks, they're my sister's." We laugh
"Babeee I'm back, Tommy who's this chick?" A blondie asks him
"Babe meet my new friend Dee, Dee this is my girlfriend Gina." He says
"Nice to meet you. Gina." I smile putting my hand out
"You too." She gives me a tight lip smile and shakes my hand
"Hey, we were just on our way to the dinner. Do you wanna come with us?" Tommy grins
"Oh, are you sure?" I chuckle and look at Gina for her approval
"Yea, now that we're friends...Why not?" she grins and intertwines her arm with mine
Tommy softly grins at this
"Lets go." He says and we start walking

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