Tom Keifer ~ Heartbreak Station

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Me and Tom just broke up—Well actually I just dumped him.
You see, I love him so much and I know he loves me too, a lot.
So why did we break up? You might be wondering.
Let's go back to the start shall we?
This is where it all began...

*Flashback* At The-Whisky-A-Go-Go

"They're Cinderella right? Sounded pretty rad!" I grin At Asia
"Yeah." She grins back looking across at them as they talk and drink
"Hey, maybe we should go introduce ourselves and stuff." I say about to go over there.
"No! I mean, c'mon... We have no time, Jon&Richie are waiting for us. Maybe we can come back another time." She says then stands up grabbing my hand pulling me away.
As we're getting closer to the entrance I feel someone lightly grab my wrist making me quickly turn back and here I was, stuck looking at the most beautiful masterpiece yet created.
He has dark teased hair, sky blue eyes, small plump lips, is a lot taller and seems perfect overall.
"Hi." He shyly smiles
"Hey." I smile back as I get lost in his eyes and he does the same.
"I'm Tom, Keifer." He half grins
"I'm Dee, Hudson." I grin genuinely
"I saw you perform with your band earlier." I chuckle
"Oh, yea. I saw you in the crowd." He lightly bites his lip
"I'll—leave you two alone." Asia says walking away as Tom nods
"Oh, that's my twin sister Malaysia." I slightly grin
"You're both from Vixen right?" He asks
"Yeah." I laugh as he grins
"And you're from Cinderella right?" I smile
"Yeah, come on. I gotta introduce you to the guys."
He says excitedly and I grin shyly then hold onto his arm,
as we walk back to the bar area.

*Flashback ends*

Love at first sight. Cute right?
Maybe, some say it was fate that brought us together.
After that event, we pretty much hit things off.

*Flashback* in the tour bus

I quietly tiptoe inside recording Tom peacefully playing an acoustic.
"Hey Tommybear." I giggle
"Hey Princess." He smiles up at me
"Come here." He pats his lap and I nod setting the camera down in front of us.
"Is it recording?" He asks as I sit on his lap wrapping my arms around
his waist.
"Yea." I nod
"Let's do a duet." He suggests
"Ooo which song?" I ask cheerfully
"Coming home." He smiles softly
"Let's do it." I smile and sit next to him then he hands me his acoustic.
"Ready?" He asks
"Mhm." I nod and start playing the riffs
"I took a walk down the road, it's the road I was meant to stay."
He sings as we look at each other.
"I see the fire in your eyes, but a man's gotta make his way." I join in
"So are you tough enough for my love?" He sings with a smile
and I do harmonies.
"Just close your eyes to the heaven above." He sings
"I'm coming home." He looks at the camera
"I'm coming home." We both smile at each other
and I play the riffs again.

*Flashback ends*

And it didn't take long for us to become inseparable...

*Flashback* at home

I look down at Tom,
we both have green face masks on
and I'm laying on top of him.
"Tom, I gotta get ready." I whine
"Can't you just call in sick?"
He asks with his arms still wrapped around me.
"Nooo, the girls need me."
Today we're gonna be shooting the video for Cryin'.
"Just, stay 5 more minutes." He says and
I sigh trying to get up but it's no use,
he just pulls me back down. Oh what's a girl to do?
"Tommy please." I say in a soft tone and he sighs.
"Fine, but you gotta bring me some ice cream when you come back
and it's movie night tonight with Eric and Asia. Be here."
He takes the cucumbers off his eyes,
giving me a mean mug look and I chuckle
"Tom get dressed, you're coming." I laugh and he shoots up from the bed
and starts scrambling around getting ready.
"Hurry up or we're gonna be late." He starts rushing me
and I laugh shaking my head playfully.

*Flashback ends*

Ah, so many memories we made, so where did it go wrong?
A Friday night at The Whisky, he screwed her,
while I was away on tour with Vixen.
Tom felt lonely and became attracted to his new makeup artist.
Her name was Erin, she's cousins with Heather Locklear.
Erin has long blonde locks, honey brown eyes
and is as naive as a Yankee girl. Like I once was, which
made her even more attractive to Tom.
And how did I find out? With my own eyes,
well Jeff was my eyes when I wasn't around...
I remember seeing Tom flirt with her,
her giggling and how it broke my heart
so I'd just turn around and pretend I didn't see anything.
But I couldn't be with the man who was
determined to pop the question at the right time,
until SHE came along and ruined everything!
She stole the one thing I valued and loved the most...
The love of my life, Tom Keifer......
*I wait for the nine-twenty train*
Memories of Tom come flooding back

*Flashback* At the train station

"Tom, the next train's not stopping, let's chase it."
I shout, the coke's getting to us.
"Try to keep up." He smirks
and the train comes hot and fast
We run after it then off the platform
and behind it on the train tracks.
"Quick!" He shouts jumping on.
"I don't think I'll make it." I shout back
"Just trust me." He shouts holding his hand out and
I nod quickly grabbing it and he pulls me along.
"Oh.My.God." I say panting trying to catch my breath back.

"Flashback ends*

*10 minutes later, the train arrives.*
As I finish putting my luggage inside,
I hear someone shout my name.
I shrug it off and go sit down next to the window looking outside.
It's kinda hard to see, my vision is blurry as my eyes slightly water.
You know, I really, REALLY thought Tom was the one.
I almost told him we are expecting our first mini-us, but I guess not.
"Dee, Dee!!!" I see Tom outside my window,
shouting then quickly running to the door
but it was already closed.
He then comes back and I open the small window at the top,
and throw him a small ultrasound picture that says.
Baby Keifer at the top with a baby blue heart
and a baby pink heart next to it,
since it's too early to find out the baby's gender.
He catches it and his face drops in complete shock,
as his eyes start to get watery.
"You're pregnant?" His voice cracks as I sob
"Yea." I nod then the announcer says the train's gonna start.
"No. No, no, no!" Tom says
"Please stop! I have to get my family back!!" Tom shouts at the train staff
"Sorry Sir." The staff says and the train starts slowly taking off
"I'm sorry! I love you!!" Tom shouts through the glass
"Bye Tom." I sob uncontrollably,
trying to hold in my emotions for him
and the train starts going faster.

Sometimes you gotta head towards a new path,
even if it means letting your loved ones go.

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