A day in my shoes - GnR

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October 17th 1989

Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of the digital clock, lifting my head, then smacked it through squinted eyes. It reads 7:00 am.

Carefully slipping out of my boyfriend Steven's grip, I make sure to place a pillow where I was previously laying, knowing he'll get groggy if he's not cuddling something.

I make my way to the bathroom, walking over to the sink and Slash comes in, not even 10 seconds into me brushing my teeth. Complaining through his beer breath, that I "take too long." Then, in comes Whitney, his girlfriend & tells Slash he can use the other bathroom downstairs, before dragging him out.

I then finish and just as I think of taking a shower, little Willow comes running in, whining as she comes to hide behind me. And after her, comes Axl wearing his usual mean mug, scolding her, scolding me, the norm. "Willow you need to get ready! We leave in an hour!"

Scurrying in, comes his levelheaded girlfriend, Charlotte. She ends up sweet talking him, gets Willow from around my legs and off they go!

Sighing, I finally manage to lock the door and get undressed. I turn on the water and carefully step in the shower, feeling little sprinkles of water instantly run down my skin, waking me up fully.

As I run a hand through my wet hair—somebody knocks at the door. Who could it be now?

"Y/n are you done yet? I need to shower." Lisa loudly states from the other side of the door and I frown. "No, I just got in here!" I holler back and hear an 'Oh' from her, before it falls silent again and I continue showering..

The silence seemed to chew up at my insides as I washed my body, paranoid that someone else's gonna knock.

"Y/n!?" Hollered the only voice that didn't seem to annoy me. "Yes?!" I grab the shampoo and start pouring some on my hand. "Is the door locked? I need to pee!" He said in desperation. You've got to be kidding me! "Just—..Can you hold it?" I ask rinsing off, then quickly applying some conditioner from my ends up.

"Noo..." He whined as I grew antsy & stopped the water, then step out carelessly, almost falling on my face.

Grasping onto the sink and prompting myself up right again, I make my way over and unlock the door, letting him in. He thanks me, walking over to the toilet and pulling the seat up, as I make my way on back to the shower and get back in.

He looks at me, eyeing me for a second & wolf whistles, finishing peeing. He then starts getting undressed with an excited grin. "Stevie, noo, we don't have time." I complain while washing the conditioner off, but he steps in anyway and spanks my ass to which I moan in response, but quickly step out yet again, rapidly wrapping myself up in my towel.

Chuckling, he proceeds to taunt me on how much fun I was missing out on. Nevertheless, I grab the blowdryer from the drawer near the sink and go back in our room.

Examining the outfit I laid out earlier, I start drying myself with my towel and slip my underwear on, then start drying my hair.

A few moments later, I glance at Steven's digital clock, noticing it's still around 7:31 am and I finish drying my hair & unplug the blowdryer.

I swiftly slip into my clothes and sit at my vanity—Yes, Steven let me put one up in here, because he figured I'd need one.

Grabbing my comb, I part my bangs, bringing half up and leaving half down. Then I start teasing the parts that are up and hairspray the life out of them with my aquanet. Each spray bearing an intoxicating scent, not that it bothered me much since I'd grown accustomed to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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