Eddie Van Halen and Michael Anthony ~ They take away the feeling

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"Alexander, David and Vanity. Care to explain why
I say grumpily, standing from the doorway of my room
in me & my twin's apartment.
My boyfriend/best friend Eddie's still asleep in my bed.
"Hey, morning sleepy head." Mike says with a smile
coming from the kitchen. "Morning" I nod at him
"-And this is where we leave—"Alex says and I notice Dave and Asia
had already sneaked out the front door and now Alex has too.
"Ughh" I roll my eyes and Mike chuckles "Breakfast?" He asks
"Yes please." I grin and walk to the kitchen sitting down
as Mike already had put our plates on the table.
"Thanks mikey." I smile at him "Chef Mikey."
He jokes and we laugh then we start eating
"Mmm this is really good" I say diggin in
"Thanks I know right." He says eating his food too
and then Eddie comes in
"G'morning Mike." He says about to sit down and
suddenly my stomach turned and I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
"Good mor—gco" I put my hand over my mouth and
quickly stand up running for the bathroom
"—ning." Eddie finishes
I make it to the bathroom and go straight to the toilet seat
pulling it up and throwing up into it.
I then hear someone on the other side of the door.
"C'mon I wasn't that bad was I?"
The voice I immediately recognize as Eddie.
"Go away" I manage to say then he enters the bathroom
while I'm still throwing up.
"Oh shit." He says and comes rub my back gently
but still keeping his distance.
"Is she okay??" A concerned voice says from the doorway. Mike.
"I-I don't know." Eddie says looking back at Mike then at me
as I finish throwing up and I wave him off.
I flush the toilet and go brush my teeth
feeling disgusted out by what just happened.
"Was it the food?" Mike asks "No" I reply
"Then what was it?" Eddie asks sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
"I don't know." I shrug finishing and putting my tooth brush away
"Great now I have to clean the toilet." I roll my eyes
"So it wasn't because of me or anything?" Eddie asks
"I already told you no. It just happened out of the blue,
like, you know in them movies where the girl-"
I stop myself and my eyes go wide
"What?" They both ask
"Mike can you give us a sec please." I say and Mike nods leaving.
I close the door.
"What??" Eddie asks with a confused look
"Edward, did you use protection last night??"
I ask my eyes still wide and he looks down
"Or the night before??"
"Oh... ohh." He says playing with his fingers
"DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT???" I ask more serious this time
"Well you see..." He starts off and I glare at him
"What? They take away all the feeling!"
He says throwing his arms up
"Eddie I might be p-pr-pregnant."
I whisper hesitantly with a 'whatarewegonnado' look
and his mouth just hangs open for a while.
"I-I forgot... Your lovin' was calling me and I just couldn't resist." He sighs
"What are we gonna dooo?" I get teary eyed
and he opens his arms out for me.
"I don't know, guess we're gonna have to raise it."
He rubs my back softly and I lean back
"But we're not ready. To be parents yet Ed."
I wrap my arms around his neck
"But hey, whoever said you were actually pregnant."
He says and I nod pulling away as he wipes my tears
"Wait here." I say silently and walk to Asia's room,
then I open her closet getting a pregnancy test
from underneath one of her piles of jeans.
Her and Alex started trying around a week ago,
but what do you know... I take one and head for the bathroom.
"Hey Dani, whatcha got there?"
I hear Mike say as I pass the living room
and I freeze hiding it behind my back
"N-Nothing." I say uneasy standing at the bathroom door
and I feel Eddie grab the test from behind me.
"See." I put my empty hands up
"Oh, okay." Mike says watching some show on the tv
and I smile feeling Eddie pull me in by my hands.
I close the door and sigh.
"Phew that was close." Eddie says
"Yea, thanks for helping me out." I say
"No problem, so... how did you know where to get it?" He asks
"Well... don't tell anyone, but I think Asia and Alex are trying." I smile
"Trying?" He asks confused
"To have babies." I playfully roll my eyes
"Oh." He nods
"Don't just sit there, get in the tub and close the curtain." I say
"okay" he says doing so and I finally sit at peace taking the test.
"So, how long have they been trying?" Eddie asks
"Um, a week I believe." I reply
"Damn and we did it under what? One night."
He says peeking his head out with this cheerful smile on his face.
I put my hand on my hip
"Sorry" he says closing the curtain again
"Don't get too cocky Edward." I chuckle finishing and flushing the toilet again.
"Are you done?" He asks
"Yea, you can come out now." I giggle
"How long do we have to wait?" He asks
and I grab the box to see but he snatches it quickly
"Around 3-5 minutes" he says
"So we've got time to watch a music video on Headbangers Ball."
I say excitedly as Eddie chuckles and grabs the test
leaving it on the edge of the bathtub
and we walk back to the living room hand in hand.
"What took you so long?" Mike asks as Eddie takes the remote
switching it to the MTV channel as it's 5 minutes into it already
"Um, just comfort talk." I nod
"yeah" Eddie nods too "Alright if you say so." Mike says
and we all begin watching the show
Two guys walk on set, one with a long dark brown hair,
in a Black VVI shirt who I recognize is Vinnie Vincent.
And another guy with a light blue jean jacket and
Blonde/Light Brown lightly teased hair.
I think that's their new lead singer.
"Hi this is Vinnie Vincent!" Vinnie says
as the other cute guy points at the camera
"And this is Mark Slaughter!" Mark says
"Yeah" Vinnie says as the tittles appear below
with their names and their band's name.
"We're hosting Headbangers Ball tonight!" Vinnie announces
"Stay tuned we're gonna have a lot of fun." He finishes
"3 Hours of Heavy Metal right here!" Mark says putting up 3 fingers
as Vinnie does the same
"On MTV. First one Cinderella!" Mark says pointing at the camera
"Gypsy Road." Vinnie finishes & Mark grins and the video comes on
as the song starts playing. I gasp
"I love Cinderellaaa!!" I smile and the boys chuckle
"They're pretty good!" Mike says
"Can't disagree with you on that." Eddie says.
We finish watching the video.
I stand up to go to the bathroom and Eddie looks at me.
"Meet me there in 5 minutes." I mouth to him and he nods.
5 minutes have gone by and I see Eddie sneaking in
while looking back to make sure Mike was distracted.
He closes the door. "Did you look at it yet?"
He asks and I shake my head
"Okay" I sigh "let's have a look" I say picking it up
as Eddie quickly comes beside me and we both hold it up looking at it.
There's two lines...
"I-I—" I say shocked "I'm pregnant." My voice cracks at the end
and I feel Eddie's hands snake around my waist
"Oh Honey this is great! We're gonna be parents!!"
Eddie hugs me with the biggest, most beautiful smile ever
as I smile still in a trance.
I'm gonna be a mom...
Eddie quickly kisses me snapping me out of it.
"Mm I love you."
He says and my heart melts
"I love you more sweetheart."
I kiss him again only this time it lasts a little longer
"Come on, we gotta go tell the guys!" He says excitedly
"Wait." I stop him from walking out
"Let's take it slow...
we're still new to this whole pregnancy thing. Ya know...
Maybe we should wait a week or around there to tell them."
I say
"What why wait a week when we can just tell them now."
He says
"Ed." I give him an uneasy look
"Okay okay." He playfully rolls his eyes
I sigh relieved
"I'm just really really happy we're having a baby, together.
God, I feel like I'm on cloud 9."
He says with his cheeky smile
and holds me close by my waist
as I wrap my arms around his neck
"So am I,
I'm glad it's you and not some random rockstar I just met."
We both chuckle and rest our heads against eachother.

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