Mark Slaughter & Dana Strum ~ Naughty Naughty

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12:25pm at the rental studio
"The auditions were over the phone, but I told him we'd be playing the whisky tonight so him and Dana are definitely coming." I say shrugging
Speak of the devil, two guys with glam outfits similar to ours walk in.
There he is! And Dana too.
"Ohh they're hot." Malaysia whispers
"I know." I whisper back and we squeal
"Hey." The smily brunette who I assume is Mark says.
We lock eyes for a few seconds, wow I feel like I've know him my whole life.
"Hey" Malaysia says breaking the tension
"I'm Asia, the drummer, this is my twin sister Dee, she's the lead guitarist. And well, we dropped Euphoria a few days ago." Asia says as they nod
"I'm Mark, nice to meet you." I was right! Mark smiles at Asia.
"Nice to meet you, and you must be Dana?" Asia turns to the other guy with a smile.
"Yea, dude Euphoria was rad. What happened anyway?" Dana asks and Asia swallows before looking at me and Mark shoots Dana a look
"Anyway, we listened to the tapes y'all sent us." Mark says
"That's great, so what did you think?" I ask Mark as Asia and Dana start getting into why we split up from our last band.
"I think it sounded pretty awesome, don't worry me and Dana got it all down throughout the week." He chuckles
"Really? Even better." I grin excitedly
"Yeah, Naughty Naughty's my favorite." He smirks getting closer
"Is that so?" I smirk back looking up at him, our faces inches away
"Yea." He whispers and pulls away
"We've got ourselves a little flirt here have we?" I smirk then laugh
"You bet." He chuckles
"How about we play Naughty Naughty?" I suggest to the group
"Yea, that sounds good." Asia says and the guys nod agreeing
"Then we can follow with Ashes to Ashes, Deeper & Deeper and Love Kills. Sound good?" Mark asks
"Yea." Dana says and me & Asia nod with grins
"Okay, everybody to their places." Asia says twirling her drumstick in her hand and walking toward her drum set. Mark walks to the front grabbing the microphone. Dana finishes plugging his bass to his amp and I turn my distortion up
Then Asia smacks her drumsticks together in the air
"1, 2, 3, 4!" She shouts and we both start playing with Dana joining in
"Well, alright." Mark starts singing
"Hey metal leather cat-house queen
Love sugar she's dynamite
Hot little piston, living dream
A bad misses she's skin tight" Damn, Slaughter sounds good.
"No, she's never been, no she'll never be
Daddy's little girl
Little vixen take your whip and tease me
Pour the cream upon my burn"
I look over at Dana to check if he's ready for us to do background vocals.

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