David Lee Roth ~ Get out

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I walk in the room and see Dave... and another groupie.😒
I walk over to Dave's side and take a blunt from the tray.
Dave then receives a phone call...
The groupie looks at me then back at Dave as I light the blunt.
"Get out." I say unbothered and she nods giving Dave her phone number.
She then walks to the door and I fake smile at her as she leaves, blowing some smoke her way. I lock the door and sit on the floor at the foot of the bed. Just smoking my blunt going into my own world.
"Babe, Eddie and Val are on the phone." David says but I'm in too deep to even acknowledge wtf he's saying. And I'm mad at him so...
"Babe c'mon, they wanna say hi." Dave says before stretching across the bed
"Come on sugar, you can at least just say hi to Val." He says in a softer tone just above a whisper
I roll my eyes standing up and walking over to right side of the bed then Dave passes me the phone.
"H-Hello?" I say
"Hey, how are you!?" Valerie says
"I'm okay... how are you?" I ask looking back at Dave and giving him my blunt before shooing him away to the on-suite bathroom.
He nods closing the door behind him.
"I'm alright, don't worry Eddie's not around anymore he went out with Alex." She says and I sigh
"Yea Dave's in the bathroom..."
"So, how's things with Dave?" She asks, I lightly bite my lip.
"I don't know Valerie." I say insecure
"Well, you still love each other don't you?"
"Yes, I mean I love him so much but David is just something else!" I lay across the bed playing with the phone cord
"I guess you're right but what's been going on?" Val asks curiously
"I love him, I think he loves me... Most of the times he makes me feel loved and like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world... But at the same time he's out there fucking groupies!" I sob on the phone
"Aww, wishing I could hug you! I'm just a room across from you guys you know?" I can hear her smile through the phone
"Oh yeah!" We chuckle
"Meet me down at the lobby in about 30 minutes. There's this party we've all been invited to...!!" She trails
"Yea???" I ask curiously
"By Steven Tyler!" We squeal
"Oh my God really!!??!" I say excitedly
"Yeaaa didn't Dave tell you? Steven's hosting the summer party this year and all of Aerosmith will be there!! And a lot of other people too." She chuckles
"Oh my God really!? Remember last year at Joey Kramer's party where Eddie and Randy were at each other's throats for almost the whole night." I try not to laugh
"Yeah, oh my god." Val laughs
"Girl we've got some serious business to do..." I trail off dropping the phone and running to the door, opening it. And as if on cue Val does the same.
"SHOPPING!!" We both shout

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