Jeff LaBar #3 ~ Nightmare on my street pt. 2

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*I wake up in a cold room*
"Who in this world..."
I mumble tiredly while sitting up on a Queen sized bed.
It's slightly dark in here but I can still see my surroundings.

Some records and cassettes on the shelf and a few guitars laying around.
There's a desk by the foot of the bed and another door on the side.
Whoever lives here must have a walk-in closet or a private room or something.

Light from the hallway peeks in through the small creek at the door and I can hear faint music coming from somewhere in the house.

I quietly get up and put on some white slippers that were near the bed.

I then tiptoe to the door.

"I see you're awake." A male voice says with a chuckle coming from the hallway and I almost trip but run back to the bed kicking off the slippers and getting under the covers as fast as I could.
"Come on out, I don't bite." He says teasingly as I peek through the covers
"Not unless you ask me to." He says getting closer then pulling the covers off me.
"Get away from me." I say in a panicked voice and he suddenly turns on the light on his night stand making me hiss at the brightness.
I then look up at him and recognise It's that new guy with the changing eye colors that lives next door.

"Oh it's you."
I say with an attitude
"Feisty, I like it."
He says with a bit of sass as I roll my eyes
"So, what's your name little poison berry?" He asks
"Mine? What's yours?"
I retort and he huffs
"Look, I need to go home. My baby's waiting on me and there's this party I'm supposed to go to. So if you don't mind I have to leave like right now." I say seriously
"You're a mom?"
He curiously asks while sitting next to me.
"A dog mom." I say in a playful tone
And he nods
"Oh well, too bad you're not going anywhere. But we'll make sure the dog gets fed." He shrugs
"Who's we?" I raise an eyebrow
"Oh you didn't know... Well I don't live alone..." He trails off and I scoot away from him. Only for him to lay his head on my lap making me slightly uncomfortable.
"Down here pretty face." He says and I look down at him
"The name's Jeffrey but call me Jeff." He says with this intense gaze
"Nice to meet you, I'm Dee." I slightly grin
"So you're not so uptight after all." He chuckles
"Don't push it." I playfully say as he gets up
"Come on, let me give you a house tour and introduce you to the guys."
He says putting his hand out for me and I take it deciding to just stay in my socks instead of putting on the slippers.

*we walk out the room and to another room down the hall.*

"This is Eric's room." He says as we stand in front of supposedly a guy named Eric's room.
I look at Jeff as he knocks, I never really got to admire his beauty up close.
"Eric!" Jeff shouts
"One second."
Another guy shouts from inside the room
A taller, blonde guy with teased hair and yellow eyes like Jeff's peeks his head out the door.
"Eric this is-" Jeff gets cut off by Eric looking back and saying 'wait a second' to someone.
"Yea you were saying?" Eric continues but says something else before Jeff could speak again
"Oh hey." He smiles my way and I wave
"Who's this?" He asks nicely before looking me up & down
I can feel Jeff getting mad.
I grab his hand to reassure him and he surprisingly looks at me and calms down.
"Dee, this is my friend Eric. Eric this is MY friend Dee." He introduces us
"Wow dude okay." Eric says before turning to me.
"Nice to meet ya." He says with a genuine smile
"You too." I smile back and Jeff pulls me away
"Anyways." He says annoyed as we continue walking down the hall
"Eric seems nice." I softly say
he trails off before knocking on someone else's door
"Oh... who's room might this be?" I look at him curiously
"This, is Fred's room." He says
"It's opened!" The voice of Fred I'm assuming shouts
Jeff walks in and I follow behind shyly still holding his hand.
Fred turns down his stereo.
"Oh hey."
Fred says from his bed while twirling a drum stick
"Hey." Jeff says
Okay I'm starting to think they're all in a band and they live together... weird.
"So, what kind of shenanigans have you been up to?" Jeff asks but as Fred was about to reply
"Jeff, whaddya have there pal?" Fred smirks
"Noth-Hi!" I cut him off
"Well well well. Who do we have here?"
Fred stands up as I stand beside Jeff
Jeff sighs
"Hey I'm Dee." I say nicely
"The name's Fred." The curly haired drummer makes eye contact with piercing red eyes then also looks me up and down.
I can feel Jeff boiling from the male attention I'm getting.
"Is she your mate?" Fred asks Jeff who slightly blushes
"No." He quickly says grabbing me by my wrist and pulling me out of Fred's room
"Is she one of us?" I hear Fred shout
"Not now Fred!" Jeff shouts back
Huh? What does he mean 'one of us'?
"Tom!?" Jeff shouts as we're standing outside another room
"Damn, how many of you are there?" I ask sarcastically
"Like 4." He nods
"Jeffrey I'm in the middle of a business call so this better be good." A guy about Eric's height with a deeper voice, dark hair and dark red eyes says standing at his door and we make eye contact
"Ohh. See I knew something smelled different when I walked past your room." He smirks
And before Jeff gets to say anything.
"Smelled different? Excuse me??" I cross my arms as Jeff put his hands on my waist
"Oh she's a little fireball isn't she? Better keep her." He chuckles along with Jeff
Oh boy, if only he was my size.
I would've choked him right now.
'Who said you can't?'
His thoughts interrupt mine
Wait, wtf..
I look at him weird but he just keeps this devious smirk yet mysterious look on. I squint my eyes at Tom before pulling Jeff with me back to his room.
"What's wrong?" Jeff asks as I close the door
"Jeffrey we need to talk." I turn back to him
"Okay there's something wrong." He sits down on the bed with an acoustic
"Why am I here?" I quickly ask
"What did Fred mean by 'one of us'? "
I start pacing back & forth
"How did Tom read my thoughts?"
"And why do your eyes keep changing colors?" I hear him strumming on his guitar as I stop pacing
"JEFFREY!!" I snap
"Hmm?" He asks glaring
"Answers, I need Answers!"
I demand
"Okay but if you freak out.." He warns
"I won't." I cross my arms
"Come here." He says putting his guitar away
"Mmm." I go to him and he sits back down holding me close by my waist while looking up at me
"Well?" I wait for him to start explaining
"What's cold blooded and has sharp fangs?" He asks
"A snake."
I say in an obvious tone
"Ughh. What else is cold blooded and has sharp fangs?" He asks pulling me closer making me straddle him
"I mean... if sharks—" he cuts me off
"A vampire."
He says annoyed and I quickly get off him
"W-what?" I ask
"I'm a vampire."
He gives me that same cold look,
he first gave me not so long ago.
"A vampire? A-All 4 of you??" I ask
"Yes." He replies back
"Did you... bite my wrist earlier?"
I ask sitting next to him
"Yea." He nods
"Makes sense." I mumble
"B-But you didn't turn me, right?"
I quickly ask wide eyed
"No." He says
"So what's with the weird eye color changes?" I ask curiously
"It's a mood thing."
He says looking at me and I nod
"The others too?" I slightly tilt my head
"Yea." He replies
"Red is when one feeds off human blood, yellow is when one feeds off animal blood and when the color in our eyes gets dark is when we're hungry." He explains
"Oh. Wait what about Brown?" I ask
"Contacts." He shrugs
"But sometimes our eye color gets so bright it shows through the contacts." He chuckles
"Okay so what about Tom...?" I ask
"What about him?" Jeff asks
"Howw did he read my thoughts and reply back... Can he like, hear thoughts or something?"
I ask curiously and Jeff sighs
"Does it matter?" He asks laying back
"Oh I don't know, does it?"
I throw my arms up in sarcasm
"Fine, every vampire has a special power... Tom's is telepathy. It allows him to 'hear' or 'see' the thoughts of other people." He rolls his eyes
"So what's—" he cuts me off
"Eric's power is precognition. He can see into the future but based on decisions being made." Jeff explains as I stay silent
"And Fred's power is pain illusion. He projects the illusion of being in extremely intense physical pain into others minds." Jeff shrugs
"And what's yours?" I ask
"It doesn't matter." He gives me the cold shoulder
"Yes it does come on."
I lightly shake him only to receive a glare
"Jeff what's your power?" I ask more seriously but he ignores me
"Oh come on, you guys are so lucky to have super powers. Why won't you tell me yours?"
I cross my arms
"Fine, but don't laugh." He warns
"I won't." I reply
"My power... is paralysis." He looks away
"That's it?" I ask
"Y-You're not laughing?" He says confused
"No. Wait so how do you use it? Your gift." I ask as he turns back to me
"When I bite others I can choose to paralyse or kill them. It's like a sixth sense, except it's a power. My fangs release a paralysis-like venom that's how I do it." He says embarrassed but quickly clears his throat
"So... that's what you did—" I cut myself off
"Yes. So as you can see there's nothing special about it." He says disappointed
"Sure there is, you could use that against anyone. And it's pretty dangerous. Besides, it's like you're ahead. Knowing how to control it. You could've killed me... but you didn't." I finish
"Thank you." I turn to him
"Of course I wouldn't." He says looking down
"Because you're not the killing kind?" I say
"No..." he looks up at me
still refusing to show his feelings.
"Because it would've been a nightmare on my street." His yellow eyes darken

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