Nikki Sixx #2 ~ stOp tryIng tO tEll mE hOw tO bE A fAthEr!

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*Nikki and the girls just arrived home from a long day out*
"MOMMY!!" The girls shout and rush over hugging me
"Hey girls, did you have fun today?" I smile
"Yeah! Nikki got us Ice cream!" Our baby girls say
"Aww, really?" I say enthusiastically
"Yeah! Mommy look, my tooth fell!" Mary-Kate says
Showing me the gap with her cheeky grin and Donna-Jo giggles.
"Momma, Nikki said he's taking us with him to see Mötley Crüe play tomorrow!"
Donna-Jo emphasizes the words Mötley Crüe and they both squeal.
"Did he?" I raise an eyebrow chuckling
"Yeah! And Nikki also said uncle Viny's gonna bring Skylar!"
Mary-Kate joins smiling, Skylar's my younger niece who's about to be 4.
Mary-Kate and Donna-Jo are about a year older than Skylar.
"Wow, you girls are gonna have so much fun! With little Skylar."
I grin lovingly, the girls adore Skylar so much.
It's just too much cuteness overload.
"Girls, why don't you go upstairs to the game room while I talk to your dad." I smile
"Okay Mommy." Mary-Kate says and kisses my cheek waiting for Donna-Jo.
"Bye, momma." Donna-Jo says and kisses my cheek and
they both go upstairs to play.
"Hey babe." Nikki says then leans down,
wraps his arms around and goes in for a kiss but I stop him.
"Uh uh. Follow me..." I start walking to the kitchen and he follows.
"Why do you tell them to call you Nikki?" I raise an eyebrow as I stand against the counter
and he stands in front of me with his arms still wrapped around me.
"Because, dad just sounds weird." He tiredly says shrugging
"Nikki, you're their dad. They have the right to call you daddy."
I cross my arms and he pulls away annoyed.
"Look, just because other kids call their fathers dad,
doesn't mean my kids are going to.
So stop trying to tell me how to be a father." He rolls his eyes and starts walking away
"Well I won't have to when you start acting like one!"
I shout as he goes upstairs.
"Tsk, stOp tryIng tO tEll mE hOw tO bE A fAthEr." I mock him

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