Eddie Van Halen & Van Halen ~ Shut up and Kiss me already

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*dave straight away looks at me
followed by the others
and I stand there with my hand on my hip*
"What?" I ask
as Eddie looks at them then back at me
"No, not happening." He says to the guys
"Come on man, she'd be perfect for it." Dave says
"For what?" I ask walking to them and Eddie wraps his arms around my waist
pulling me to himself
"No." Eddie says and we all look at him
"No." He shakes his head
"I'm not gonna have my wife
dancing half naked onset just for the video."
He shrugs and I turn back to face him with a big smile
"You're still engaged." Alex rolls his eyes
"Still." Eddie says defensively
"So this is what—" I cut myself off turning back to the guys with a smile
"See, she's even happy about it, ain't ya?" Dave asks with a laugh
"Yea." I pull away from Eddie
"I'm gonna be a starrr." I say cheerfully leaning on Mike and he picks me up and spins me then puts me down laughing
"And a sexy one too." Dave smirks my way making me giggle.
I can feel Eddie slightly squint his eyes
at Dave and ball up his fists.
"Al, c'mon let's go get some ice cream." I grin
"Somebody said Ice cream, hop on." Alex says looking back as I smirk running a bit far back
"Ready?" I ask
"Yeah!" He replies
"But don't let me fall like last time." I laugh
"Okay okay!!" He says
3...2...1... I run and hop on his back and he actually catches my legs properly this time
"Wellll done." I kiss his forehead
as he looks back
"Well, Al?" Eddie asks
still talking about the video thing
"I have to go with Dave, Mike & Dee on this one.
Sorry bro."
He half grins and starts walking away
"Which flavor are we having today?" He chuckles
"Mm... I was thinking Min—" I feel somebody yank me off of Al so I scream
But fall back in the arms of my fiancé.
*Alex looks back*
"Are you okay?" He asks but before I could answer Eddie grabs my wrist
dragging me outside
"Yea." I say faintly
"What were you thinking!? yEA I'm gOnnA bE A stArrr." He mocks me and I cross my arms
"You know you didn't have to do that."
I look away
"Didn't I? Well clearly I did because somebody doesn't wanna listen to their partner."
He slightly raised his voice
"No you didn't this is unnecessary, I'm gonna do it either way and you can't stop me."
I say getting mad too and he rolls his eyes
"Well you can't, because then people won't look at you the same way..." he trails off and I look at him
"Excuse me? Now you're just over reacting." I glare at him and he scoffs
"Over me being in a stupid video..." I mumble then start walking away
"Fine but I won't wanna be associated with sluts." He spits on the side walk and I stop feeling my heart drop to my stomach
"S-Slut??" I turn back and look at him by now the rest of the guys were coming out of the studio
"If that's how you really feel." I say teary eyed and start speed walking the opposite direction then Alex and Mike start walking after me
"Dee wait I didn't mean for it to come out that way!!" Eddie shouts
"Or did you?" I turn back on my heel making Alex and Mike bump into each other. What we didn't know was, there were people from the press already taking pictures and witnessing this ready to write it down and twist the whole thing.
How could he think of me as a slut??
His own Fiancée!!
For wanting to stare in a stupid video!?
Next thing I know... I feel some kind of rage growing inside me and I run for Eddie but Alex and Mike hold me back
"Let me go!" I shout at them
and they both look at each other then back at me
"No" they say at the same time
and this time Eddie tries to
swing at me too but Dave holds him back
"You know, it was always like you to make everything about your damn self!" Eddie shouts as Alex and Mike nod at each other and Mike goes over to Dave's side to help him keep Eddie back as Al is still holding me back with a very strong grip.
"Me?? Just then you said being in that stupid video would make me a slut!"
I shout back in disgust
"I told you I didn't mean for it
to come out that way!" He shouts
"Oh yeah? Well.it.did!!" I shout back
"What? Oh wait I know why." I laugh
"You're scared this will mess up your high and mighty reputation aren't you?"
I smirk as he just glares at me.
"Guys let me go I need a moment alone
with my fiancée." Eddie says
as I glare at him and Dave&Mike
slowly let him go surprisingly
he had calmed down and so had I.
Guess I could use my word against his to my advantage...
"Al let me go too." I look up at him but he just looks kinda scared for what I might do
"Are you sure—gco"
"Yes Alexander you can let me go now." I playfully roll my eyes
"Alright" he lets me go gently
"Look I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to be such a jerk about it I just don't want others looking at what's rightfully mine and mine only." Eddie sighs as I play with my fingers and he softly lifts my chin up so I'm looking into his eyes
"I'm sorry." He says lowly slightly tilting his head while looking at my lips back then back at my eyes
"Just shut up and kiss me already." I laugh as he gently wipes away my tears and kisses me passionately

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