Tommy Lee #4 ~ seriously?

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"Wow, I can't believe our wedding is a month away already."
I say flipping through a magazine me and my fiancé were on.
We were dubbed one of the hottest rockstar/actress couples of the 80's
on the Rolling Stone magazine.
"I know, crazy right? Hey, but good thing we're not stressing."
He takes a slice from the pizza box on the coffee table
and goes back to watching purple rain,
in which I starred in along with Prince less than a year ago.
"Yea, then one day... we'll start a family of our own."
I say the last bit quieter and he almost chokes a little
"You w-wanna start a family with me?" He turns to me
"Well... y-yeah."
I lightly bite my lip as his fingers get tangled in my hair.
A smile tugging at his lips.
"Seriously??" He smiles
"Yes Tommy." I chuckle at his excitement
"Baby names?" He asks
"Tia if it's a girl orr Tyler if it's a boy." I grin at him
"Not bad. Now I was thinking... Tía Tyler Lee.
You know... since you like Steven Tyler so much." He chuckles
"You know me so well." I laugh
"Yeah, and if it was a boy. Dylan Jagger Lee." He pecks my cheek
"Aww that's so cute." I giggle
"You're cute." He kisses me passionately and I kiss back
"We're gonna have the cutest mini-us someday."
I say as we stare at each other lovingly
"Yea, we can get married first and then buy a bigger house."
He says just above a whisper intertwining our fingers together.
"Nikki's gonna help me paint a little nursery and everything."
He sighs happily and I lay my head on his shoulder,
wrapping my arm around him.
Both of us grinning from ear to ear.

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