Guns 'n' Roses ~ What they do when you're sick

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Izzy ~ Very protective of you, always making sure you're comfortable, let's you lay your head on his arm, might play a soft tune on his guitar for you, softly kisses your cheek or nose often.

Axl ~ Genuinely concerned just doesn't know how to show it, recommends certain medication, sings you some lyrics he's been writing and asks for feedback, kinda screws the world over for you, let's you lay on his chest while he hums you to sleep.

Slash ~ "Aww, sucks to be you lol.", comes over, lays under the cover shirtless with you, talks about future plans and stuff you both should do when you're not sick anymore to get you to cheer up, teases you about how much fun his day was with the guys knowing you weren't there.

Duff ~ Breakfast in bed!! Tells corny jokes, stays in bed with you the whole day, plays footsies, loves to answer the phone just to tell whoever that it's your boyfriend speaking & you're sick, shares happy memories with you, very touchy.

Steven ~ Too lazy to get out of bed and get you a box of tissues but still does it, nurturing, tells the band he got sick just so he can stay home & take care of you, cooks cute meals for you, gives really good cuddles.

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