Chapter 1

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*Beep Beep Beep*

"Ughhhh" waking up at 4 in the morning almost everyday isn't fun and you think you'd get used to it but you seem to never do.

Alana turned over and shut off her alarm and checked her socials before she got up to shower and get ready for the eventful day she had ahead of her.

Today was the day they would start filming season 3 of "Cobra Kai". She absolutely loved everyone on the cast and couldn't wait to see everyone again.


After her nice warm shower she went back into her room to get dressed and decided to pick something simple to wear since she was gonna be changing cloths all day for certain scenes anyways.

After her nice warm shower she went back into her room to get dressed and decided to pick something simple to wear since she was gonna be changing cloths all day for certain scenes anyways

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(This is the outfit she chose but the shoes she chose were white converse)

After she got dressed she got a text from Mary saying that she couldn't wait to see her after what felt like forever. She replied back with "I missed you so much. too. I'm leaving my apartment in about 15 mins so all see you then."

Once she sent the text she grabbed her purse and keys and headed out the door and down to her car.


When she got there she parked in her assigned parking spot and got out, but as she got out she was trampled by Mary hugging her.

"I missed you so much oh my god."

"Me too. I had such a hard time sleeping last night because I was so excited to see everyone." Alana replied back.

"Same. It's so nice to finally be back with everyone."

"I still have yet to see everyone since I just got here." Alana said laughing.

"Well all let go of you now so you can go see everyone else." Mary said back laughing as well.

"Thanks. All see you later though." Alana said as she walked away to see who else she could find.

As she was walking she got a text so she pulled out her phone to answer them but as she was walking she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran into someone.

"Hey. Watch where you're going missy." The person said.

She looked up immediately and started apologizing till she saw the familiar smirk.

"Oh my god. Billy hi." She said hugging him.

"Hey kiddo. I've missed my tv daughter." He said hugging her back.

"Probably not as much as I missed you." She said smiling up at him.

Alana never had a dad. Her biological dad left her and her mom when Alana was 8 and she grew up all those years after never fully knowing what it was like to have an actual father, but when she met Billy she always look at him like her father because he was always there for her whenever she needed someone and protected her with all his will.

"Well I better get going. Vanessa texted me saying she needed me for something." He said

"Ok. See ya later." She said hugging him once more and walking away.

"Shit." She said to herself as she realized what time it was.

"Woah language there young lady." Someone said.

She looked up to see Ralph standing there with his arms crossed smiling at her.

"Hey Ralph." She said walking over to him to hug him.

"Hello Alana." He said excepting her hug.

"How have you been." She said.

"Pretty good. What about you?"

"Oh you know the same old. Modeling for new brands and filming videos to keep myself occupied." She said giggling.

"Sounds a lot like you." He said laughing back.

"What about college how's that going?"

She was a little hesitant to tell him about that because he helped her a lot with college work but with being a model and actor it was hard to keep up with work so she decided to make a career out of that instead of finishing college since it was so stressful keeping up with it and working at the same time.

"I-I actually decided to not keep on doing it and make a career out of modeling and acting." She said kinda quietly but loud enough for him to hear her.

"Well I'm glad you chose to do what you wanted." He said

She looked up from the ground and was happy to know he wasn't mad at her.

"Did you think I'd be mad?" He asked seeing the relived look on her face.

"Kinda yeah because you've been helping me so much with it and I didn't want you to think I didn't appreciate your help." She said

"Alana I'd never think that. I was able to see how stressful it was for you to keep up with everything so I'm happy you chose what you really loved and wanted to do instead of doing the total opposite."

"Thanks." She said smiling.

"Well I better let you go so you can get ready." He said hugging her before they both went there separate ways.


After she got ready and in her cloths for the scene she had to film she headed over to the makeup and hair area to get all busted up sense she had to film the scene after the school fight.

But on her way over there she saw a bunch of people standing around waiting to be called to filming and she noticed one specific person out of all those people.

One of her best friends. Someone she's had a crush on since the 1st season but kept it to herself and only ever told one person.

"Hey!" She said running up behind him and hugging him from behind.

"Oh my god! Hey!" He said back bringing her into the most warming hug and twirling her around.

A/N: Hey guys. I hope you liked the first chapter so far. I'm really looking forward to writing this book because I have so many ideas in mind. But for now I need to know if you guys like this so leave a comment and let me know.

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