Chapter 28

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It's been about ten minutes since Alana left to go to the bathroom and I was starting to get a little worried so I excused myself from everyone and went to go find her.

On my way upstairs I met some people along the way so I got caught up in talking, it took me a lot longer than expected to get up the stairs.

I turned the corner to where the bathroom was and saw something I never expected to see in my entire life.

"Alana." I called out and she pulled away from the kiss with some other person that wasn't me.

"Xolo. Please, I can explain." She said frantically.

I just shock my head and sped walk back downstairs.

"Xolo, please!" Alana yelled when I got outside.

"What could you possibly say Alana?!" I yelled as I turned around.

"Let me explain." She told me.

"Explain what? I just saw your tongue down another guys throat." I said, my voice cracking in the process.

"I never wanted to kiss him." She said walking closer.

"Then why did you? Why didn't you push him away the minute you kissed?" I asked pissed off.

She stayed silent. "That's what I thought." I told her as I walked to the car and drove off.


I tilted my head to the side. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I guess I always saw us being the ones together." He said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Lucas." I said backing up uncomfortably, till I felt a pair of lips that weren't meant to be there against mine.

My body froze. I felt like I couldn't move and my feet were glued to the floor. Why wasn't I moving?!

"Alana." I heard an all to familiar voice say from afar.

I turned and saw the hurt look on his face. "Xolo. Please, I can explain." I said scared out of my mind.

Then he ran downstairs.

"Xolo. Please!" I yelled once we got outside.

"What could you possibly say Alana?!" He yelled at me as he turned around with tears in his eyes.

"Let me explain." I said hoping he'd let me.

"Explain what? I just saw your tongue down another guys throat." He said as I heard his voice crack.

"I never wanted to kiss him." I said walking closer, but he took a step back.

"Then why did you? Why didn't you push him away the minute you kissed?" He asked mad.

I stayed silent. I honestly really didn't know why. "That's what I thought." He told me as he walked to the car and drove off.


I ended up getting a ride home with Jacob who didn't speak to me the entire time, which meant he knew about what happened.

When we got in the house I took my shoes off, placed them in the shoe bin, and went into the kitchen where Jacob was.

"I guess you're mad at me too?" I asked as I played with the ring on my finger.

He scoffed. "You basically cheated on my best friend. What am I not supposed to be mad?" He asked.

"No, you have every right to be. But I'm telling you I never wanted to kiss him." I said looking him in the eye.

"Then why did you?" He asked.

"I don't know. When it happened I felt like I couldn't move, like I was under thin ice and the littlest movement I made,
I'd fall into the water." I said still remaining eye contact.

"Is it bad to say I don't believe you?" He asked and I felt my chest tighten up.

"What? Why?" I asked frantically.

"Cause you disappeared for a good ten minutes and Xolo went looking for you to find you kissing some unknown person." He told me, anger laced in his voice.

I groaned. "Jacob, the person was an old friend from back in New York. I had no idea he was gonna even be there. I went to go use the bathroom and saw him while waiting outside and we talked. Then that's right around when he kissed me." I said as I sat down on the bar stool.

"If you're gonna tell anyone anything. It should be your hurt boyfriend upstairs." He told me as he walked away.


After I drove home and pulled into the driveway, I just sat in the car.

I sat there thinking about what I just saw, how I felt about it, if I should let her explain cause maybe she never meant to kiss him, but all I could feel was the pain of seeing her kiss someone that wasn't me.

I sighed to myself and made my way inside. I took my jacket and shoes off and walked upstairs to our room.

I decided I was gonna take a shower to keep my mind occupied by something other than Alana.


When I was done showering I put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and got into bed.

I had heard someone pulling into the driveway and figured it was Jacob, which meant Alana was probably home as well.

I tried to fall asleep quickly in hopes to avoid a conversation that I know we needed to have, but everytime I closed my eyes I saw them.

I was faced away from the door so all I was able to hear was the door opening and the minute it did my heart beat got faster.


I made my way upstairs after Jacob and I had our conversation and walked into Xolo and I's shared room.

"Xolo?" I called out as I walked in and sat on my side of the bed.

He didn't answer. "I know you aren't asleep, and I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now, but at least listen." I said as he shifted a little bit to signal he was listening. "When I walked upstairs I was waiting outside the bathroom and that's when I saw Lucas, the person, who, you know, and I know Lucas cause he was a friend of mine back in New York, I didn't even know he was gonna be there, or that I'd ever see him again. Then he had asked to go out sometime to catch up on things, I had agreed, mentioned I had a boyfriend and it would be nice to have you two meet. Then he said he always thought I'd be single and I asked what he meant and then next thing I knew he was kissing me. The reason I didn't move away was because I didn't know what to do, all I thought of was you, I felt frozen to the ground, like my legs were paralyzed. I wanted to move so badly, but felt I couldn't. Then that's when you walked up and saw everything." I said sighing while looking at his back.

"I'm only meant for you Xolo, I only love you." I said staring at him.

I didn't expect him to say much of anything and I don't blame him. I got up from my spot on the bed and went to change into pajamas.

When I got back into bed I kissed him on the cheek. "Good night, mi amor."

A/N: Hey guys! Here's another chapter. I know some of you might hate me for this, but I needed some drama, so here it is. Sorry for the super late update again :(

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