Chapter 36

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(Alana's POV)

Filming has been nothing, but amazing.

I've missed this so much. I've missed the people that surround me. It's nothing, but fun.

It was currently lunch time and Xolo and I were talking about his newest acting gig. 'Blue Beetle'.

He leaves in a few days and he's gonna be there for roughly a week.

Yes it's short and no it doesn't take a week to film a movie, but with filming for 'Cobra Kai' he's gonna have no choice, but to fly back and forth from Atlanta to Los Angeles.

I keep telling him how much I hate it because that's a lot for one person, but he says he'll be fine.

(A/N: Btw I do know Blue Beetle wasn't filmed in LA or during the filming of Cobra Kai, but for the storyline I created, that is how it's being done.)

"You really are fine with all this?" I asked him still unsure of it.

"Yes, I'll be fine babe." He said annoyed with the multiple questions I've been asking him.

I sighed. "You know I'm just worried about you." I said feeling bad now.

"No, hey. It's fine. I know." He told me grabbing my hand. "It's our first time away from each other. It's stressful for you too." He said.

"I wish I could come with you." I pouted.

He smiled. "I wish you could to, but before you know it I'll be back home." He said.

"You better make sure you call me every night." I said sternly.

"Don't worry. I will." He said making me smile.


The last scene we had for the day was prom.

We like to try and film the most "challenging" scenes first and since this took a lot of makeup and hair time.

It was better to get these scenes over with.

The one we were currently filming was the scene of Miguel and Maeve getting drinks, having a good time, till Robby and Tori walked in.

"You guys ready?" Jon asked me and Xolo.

"Yeah." We said in unison.

"Ok." He said walking behind the camera as we got in position. "Andddd action!"


Maeve groaned in pain.

"High heels?" Miguel asked as I bent down.

"No, no. It's the flying tornado kick my dad had me practicing." I said sighing. "Don't understand how I'm gonna get used to it." I said.

"I thought we said no karate talk?" Miguel asked as I poured punch into my cup.

"Right, right." I said forgetting. "Tonight is just about us." I said sighing.

We stepped away and looked at each other and smiled. "Cheers." We said and clinked our cups together.

Just as we did that Robby and Tori walked in.

They both looked at us as we looked at them.

"Oh my god." I said as they looked away and continued walking.

*End of Scene*

"And cut!" Jon yelled. "Great jobs you guys! We're done for today." He smiled and I sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness. These heels are actually hurting me." I said taking them off.

"So hard being a woman." Xolo said making fun of me.

"Uhh, yes it is, actually." I said offended.

"I was joking babe." He said surrendering.

"You better or your ass ain't making it on the plane in the next couple days." I said walking away.

"What's that supposed to me?" He asked confused following me.


When we had gotten home we ate dinner and Xolo immediately went upstairs to pack.

I walked into the room after getting ready for bed and just leaned against the door frame.

"You do realize you don't leave for another four days right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but I need to make sure I have everything." He said as he was folding clothes.

"You in that big of a hurry to leave me?" I asked teasingly.

He laughed sarcastically. "Haha, very funny." He said.

I walked fully into the room and sat on the bed next to the suitcase.

I sat there in silence for a little bit before pulling Xolo onto my lap.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He asked confused.

I laughed. "I need extra hugs." I said wrapping my arms around his waist from behind.

"I appreciate that, but how about we do that the right way so I can hug you back." He said melting my heart.

"Ok." I said shoving him off me and standing up.

He snickered. "Now we can hug." He said throwing his arms around me.

I did the same and laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

The thought of being away from him for a whole week sucked, but I knew he had to do this because this means so much to him.

And whatever means a lot to him means a lot to me. Not to mention he deserved every second of this.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said sighing in my arms.

"Me too." I said looking up at him. "At least it's just for a week." I added.

"Yeah, but right after I only come back home for a week or so to film the last couple scenes for 'Cobra Kai' and then I leave for a whole month. Possibly longer." He said sadly.

Xolo wrapped up filming earlier than me. Obviously because of filming for 'Blue Beetle'.

Which, yes, sucked, but being apart is only gonna make our relationship stronger.

"It's all for good reasons though. Being away from each other is gonna suck, but this movie is something you've been looking forward to... and I can't wait to see you in it." I smiled at him.

He blushed a little. "Well, thank you my lady." He said making me laugh.

"You're something else." I said shoving him playfully.

"Oh... no you didn't." He said offended.

I immediately regretted my decisions.

"No." I said knowing it was gonna start a war now.

"You started it." He said inching closer to me.

"That doesn't mean you have to finish it..." I trailed off and I kept backing up.

He laughed. "Yes, it does." He said running full speed at me.

"No!" I yelled running down the hall.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. A lot went on this week for me. But here is another chapter. I still feel like it's a bit rusty, but I promise it'll get better and you guys will love what I have in store for you. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter🫶🏼

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