Chapter 18

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Peyton texted me the details of our girls day last night. We decided to go to the nail salon.

"Ok I'll text you later. I don't know how long I'm gonna be but if you need anything just text me." I told Xolo standing outside waiting to leave.

"Babe, I'm not five." He said leaning against the door.

I smiled. "I know I just worry."

He scoffed. "We know..... Now, don't! Worry about me, and go have fun. I love you." He said leaning in giving me a kiss.

"I love you too..... Bye." I said walking down the stairs off our porch.

"Also if you and Jacob invite the guys over I suggest not leaving a mess this time." I yelled to him as I got into my car.


"This is so what I needed." I said as I stuck my feet in the nice warm water and turned on the massager.

"Me too." Peyton said from next to me.

"Feels absolutely amazing." Mary said with satisfaction in her voice.

We sat in silence most of the time, I wasn't complaining though cause it felt really nice.

I loved being with my best friends. It was always my favorite thing to do.

And you always have to enjoy the silence while yeah can cause not long later my phone went off.

*Text from Mom*

Mom: Hey sweetie, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it, my boss called me in for work. I'm so sorry. Call me later?
    *Read at 11:45AM*

I sighed.

I know my mom is a really busy person but I was really looking forward to seeing her again.

I haven't seen her in about 4 months and it really sucked.

Being an actress is a dream come true for me but not being away from my mom so much.

"Hey, you ok?" Mary asked noticing my sad look.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be, I'm with my favorite people right now." I said giving her my best convincing smile.

"Yes, we're her favorite people, not Xolo." Peyton said making us laugh.

"I love him but being with you guys is one of my top favorite things."

They smiled. "Ours too." Hannah said.

"I agree though, being with my boyfriend all the time is amazing, but being with you guys can be much better sometimes." Mary said making us laugh again.

"Yeah and Alana has to also live with Jacob. Now that can't always be fun." Peyton said.

"No it definitely isn't always fun but it's also got it's advantage's." I said smirking.

Hannah looked at me confused "Like what?" She asked.

I laughed. "Well their both scared of me so anytime I tell them to do something and they tell me no all I have to do is give them the look." I told them shrugging.

"Hm, maybe I should do that." Peyton said rubbing her chin like she was thinking.


After we got our nails and toes done, we decided on going out for lunch.

Me being the Italian girl I am, chose Olive Garden.

"So, what's everyone been up to besides work." Hannah asked.

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