Chapter 37

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(Alana's POV)

*Two weeks into filming season 4 of "Cobra Kai"*

It was six-thirty in the morning when my alarm went blaring off throughout my house.

Today was yet another day of filming.

I didn't have to be on set till seven-thirty today and it felt amazing to sleep in.

I rolled over in bed to feel the spot next to me was empty.

I sighed.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready to go into work.

I threw on a pair of leggings and a hoodie and put my hair up. I wasn't gonna go all out obviously because I was only going to have to change into character anyways.

I made my way downstairs to make some coffee before I got into the car to leave.

I put my mug under the machine and pressed start and waited for it to fill up.

Then my phone rang.

"Hey, baby." Xolo said from the other end when I answered.

I smiled. "Hi." I said happy to see his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. I got caught up filming late and as soon as I got home I crashed." He said feeling bad.

"Don't apologize." I told him. "I know how that can be."

Xolo was away these next couple days in California to film for 'Blue Beetle'.

I didn't like that filming was so close in schedule with 'Cobra Kai', but there wasn't much anyone can do about it.

"But I feel bad." He said pouting.

I giggled. "Don't. Let's talk about something else." I said wanting to change the subject. "How has fil-"

I went to say till I was cut off.

"Xolo you're needed on set." Some women told him.

He sighed. "I got to go." He said annoyed now.

I smiled trying to hide my emotions. "Ok. I love you. Be safe." I said.

"I will. Love you." He said hanging up.

I leaned back against the wall.

Xolo and I haven't been away from each other since getting together and I don't think any of us were expecting it to be this hard.

I feel it's hitting him harder than me though because the other night when we talked I told him I was gonna head to bed and he refused to hang up.

He demanded we stay on till I fell asleep.

Which I thought was really sweet, then it kept happening and I knew in reality it was him just wanting to be on till he fell asleep.

He was always fast asleep before I was.

I looked down at my watch and realized I should probably get to work.

I grabbed my coffee cup from the machine and walked out the door.


It was now nearing lunch, but before we could head down we had one more scene to shoot.

It was the scene of Johnny teaching the students and it involved jumping from one roof to the other.

All day today I was just wishing to be home.

Without Xolo here everything just felt different to me.

"Hey, what are you dreaming about over here." Billy asked walking over to me.

Working On Set Of Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now