Chapter 20

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"How does it feel to be back so far?" I asked Xolo as we entered the school.

Before he could answer the question there was a loud applause from everyone in the school all staring at Xolo.

"If you say bad then you need your head checked." I said after what just happened.

"It's good." He said turning to look at me smiling making me smile.

"El Serpiente." We heard Jacob say coming into the shot.

"What's up." Xolo said man hugging Jacob.

"Welcome back man."

"Yeah, feels good to be back." He said relieved.

"They give you bionic legs or some shit?" Jacob said.

"Nope, same old boring human legs."

"Boring human legs?" I said confused.

"Yeah." Both Xolo and Jacob said in unison.

"Well in that case, if you don't want them I can easily chop them off." I said with evil in my voice and a smirk.
   *End of filming*

"Cut!" The director yelled signaling the end of that scene.

"I think bionic legs would be pretty sick." Jacob said.

"Yeah but I'd rather my 'same old boring human legs'." I said mimicking Xolo.

"Alana!" I heard my name being yelled from behind me.

So me being me. "What!" I yelled back.

"Don't talk to me like that." Ralph said walking up next to me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you."

He looked at me confused. "So you'd talk to everyone else other than me like that?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I said just receiving a weird look from everyone.

"Anyways. Billy wanted me to tell you he's not gonna be coming into work today."

"What? Why?" I asked shocked cause he never misses work.

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Hm. "Well I guess that means I'm done after these next 3 scenes." I said a bit bummed out.

"Sorry." Ralph said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine. I'll just call him later." I said waving it off.

"Ok, if you find anything out let me know." He said hugging me then walking off.


I was on my last and final scene of the day and I had some spare time to sit in my trailer so I decided to call Billy.

"Hey." I said after he picked up on the third ring.


"I, uhhh, wanted to check to see if you were ok. Ralph told me you weren't coming into work today and I got worried since you never skip work." I said spinning in my chair playing with a random pen I found.

"I'm fine. Just some water drainage problem, that I had to stay behind to fix." He said as I heard what sounded like cars driving by in the background.

"Billy." I sat up in my chair. "Where actually are you?" I asked not believing him.

"My apartment." I was able to tell he was mentally slapping himself. "Now I got to go, bye."

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