Chapter 31

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Today was our last day of filming for season three.

It was sad but it also wasn't cause we legit start filming for season four in three or so weeks.

"Alana, can I ask you something?" Jacob asked.

"Shoot." I told him sitting up in my chair to listen.

"How... would a walk on the beach and picnic sound for a date?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrow. "Excuse me?" I questioned confused.

He scoffed. "I'm not asking you." He said making me laugh.

"I know, I'm just playing." I told him shoving his arm. "It sounds good to me, but it all depends what the special someone would think and if they'd like it."

He sighed. "It's just-" He started but I cut him off.

"Why can't you just tell me who they are." I said to save the long conversation.

"Cause I can't." He answered.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Cause you'll spill the news and spoil it to them." He said.

I gasped. "That's not true." I said hurt.

"Yes it is." He nodded.

"Fine it is." I admitted. "But that's besides the point, if you tell me who the lucky girl is and I happen to know them, I'd be able to help more." I said making a point.

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone. Not even Xolo." He said and I nodded.

"Can't tell Xolo what?"

I laughed. "Looks like you have no choice but to tell him now." I said patting his shoulder.

Jacob groaned. "I'm asking Alana if a walk on the beach and a picnic is a good date and she's not giving a straight answer till I tell her who the date is with." He told Xolo.

"Well, if you tell us who she is, maybe we can help you decide more." Xolo said shrugging.

"See!" I yelled. "Great minds think alike." I said high fiving Xolo.

"You two are so difficult." He said rubbing his face in his hands.

"Welcome to my world." Xolo and I said in unison.

"I am not difficult." I said defending myself.

"You're not?" Xolo questioned.

"Remember that when you're sleeping by yourself tonight." I fired.

"Oh yeah." He snarled.

"It's Peyton!" Jacob blurted out making Xolo and I's bickering stop.

"Seriously?" I asked trying to pick my jaw back up off the floor.

"Peyton?" Xolo said stunned as well.

Jacobs eyes went wide. "I knew it was a bad idea." He groaned.

"What? No." I said standing up to stop him from pacing. "Look at me. The only reason we're shocked is because we've been trying to hook you two up for a year now and you always backed out." I told him.

"Exactly, it's got nothing to do with it being a bad idea." Xolo added.

He sighed. "So then you'll help me make this date right?" He asked.

I looked at Xolo who shook his head. "Damn right we will."


We ended up getting Mary and Tanner in on this as well.

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