Chapter 33

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It was the next day and it was the day we get to meet the new cast.

Even though it's a couple weeks before we start filming for season 4, the producers want us to meet to make sure we all get along just fine.

Cause they definitely don't want a very angry crew all because of one person.

So that's why we do these meet ups before filming actually starts.

It was currently about 7 at night and we were getting ready to leave.

I was in the bathroom putting my hair up into a ponytail when Xolo walked in.

"Hello, love." He smiled wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Hi." I smiled back turning in his arms. "Head still hurt?" I asked.

"Somewhat. Not as bad as last night and this morning." He said looking in the mirror at the bruise.

I sighed feeling bad. "I'm sorry, babe." I said looking down.

"Hey." Xolo said lifting my head back up. "There's no reason to be sorry. I'm fine."

I smiled hugging him tight. "When Tanner came out and was talking the way he was I was ready to kick someone's ass."

Xolo laughed. "Well, I'm glad you didn't."

"Are you though? Admit it would of been hot to watch me kick Jacob's ass." I said.

"No." He denied immediately.

"What?" I asked shocked ready to slap him.

"It would of been hot to see Jacob try and beat your ass." He smirked.

"Fu** you." I said pushing him playfully while he laughed.


It was around eight-thirty now and we arrived at our destination for the meet up.

That so happened to be a Japanese restaurant.

"This place totally wasn't picked on purpose." I said stopping the car.

"Totally." Xolo laughed getting out.

When we entered and walked into the reserved room, it seemed like everyone was already here.

Even Billy and we left the house before him.

"How is that we leave before you and somehow you're still here before us?" I asked walking over to him and Ralph who were talking.

"Maybe it's because you're a slow driver?" He questioned.

"Yeah, whatever." I said rolling my eyes making them laugh. "I heard Thomas is gonna be here today."

"Yeah, you guys are gonna love him." Ralph said excited to see him again.

"I've been going over in my head all day how to introduce myself, especially to someone like him, and I have absolutely no idea what to say." I said a little nervous to meet him.

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