Chapter 17

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Billy and I had a scene to film today in the new "Cobra Kai" car which to be honest was the most awesome car I've ever seen.

Billy was in the drivers seat playing around with the radio while I was sitting in the passenger seat with the door open talking to Xolo.

"I think I might just steal this car before we leave." Xolo told me looking at the car from the outside.

I gasped. "I'll help." I told him way to enthusiastically.

Billy laughed making us look at him. "If they won't let me take the car they won't let you either."

I was kinda shocked. "Really? They won't let you have the car?" I asked.

He shock his head. "Nope. I asked they told me I couldn't." He said with a little disappointment in his face.

"I'm surprised. After all you are the star." Xolo said making me nod in agreement.

*^beat of the song above starts playing^*

When a certain song started playing I immediately looked at Billy smiling.

Xolo gave me a look. "Why are you guys looking at each other like that?" He asked confused.

"This is our song." I said turning to look at him.

"Our song?" Xolo asked still confused.

I laughed. "Yeah, Billy and I both have a love for Metallica and this song so happens to be our favorite, so we call it our song."

He had a fake hurt look on his face. "How come we don't have a our song?" He asked.

"Cause we never really came across a song we both love."

He scoffed. "Whatever." He said walking away letting me shut the door to film my scene.


"Exit light, Enter night, take my hand, we're off to never, never land." I sang walking to my trailer.

"Hey Alana." I heard someone call from behind me.

I turned around seeing Peyton. "Oh hey." I said.

"I have a question." She asked.

"And that might be...." I said waiting for her to ask.

"How do you feel about a girls day tomorrow. You, me, Hannah, and Mary."

I immediately perked up. "That sounds amazing, I could use a girls day." I said smiling at her.

She smiled back. "Great. I'll text you the details later?"

I nodded. "Yes, thank you." I said as she turned to go back to her trailer.


I walked into my trailer to change for my next scene even though I didn't have to film it till an hour from now.

I was also filming my next couple scenes with Xolo so I was super excited about that.

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Working On Set Of Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now