Chapter 34

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Ahhh, if only days like these happened more often.

We start filming for Cobra Kai in about a week and I was soaking up all my free time as much as possible.

Currently I was outside sitting on the porch as the rain came down lightly.

I loved days like these specifically because we stayed in most of the day and because the sound of rain is just so relaxing.

I woke up around seven-thirty this morning, made coffee, grabbed my book, and came outside.

Xolo was still asleep and I debated waking him up, but I figured to let him get some extra sleep.

Plus, I love my alone time.

So what's better than reading a good book, in the rain, with delicious coffee.


I stayed outside for a good hour or so, but the rain started to get a bit heavier so I came inside and started to make breakfast.

Xolo loves my breakfast more than anything on the planet and I figured why not surprise him with some in bed.

I do a lot of food searching on Instagram and the one day I came across a recipe for Vanilla French Toast and decided why not try and make it and ever since then Xolo would beg me all the time to make them for him.

I grabbed an egg out of the carton to start making them, but I ended up dropping it on the floor.

"Shit... Ohhhh come on." I groaned seeing as I dropped it on our cats head.

About two weeks ago we found a stray cat on the road that someone had left there because humans can just be absolutely disgusting and cruel sometimes.

It took a lot of convincing, but Xolo allowed me to keep the cat who's name has now become Gimpy because when we found him he was limping.

Xolo thought it was the perfect name while I thought it was terrible, but as we kept saying the name it just kinda stuck.

"Well, looks like you're gonna need a bath." I sighed as the cat meowed and ran away.


Once I got everything settled on a plate I made my way upstairs to our bedroom.

To my surprise Xolo was awake laying in bed on his phone.

"Hey! You weren't supposed to be awake." I pouted walking in.

"You made me French Toast!" He squealed like a little kid.

"I did and I was hoping to surprise you, but turns out you're awake." I said placing the plate in his hands and sitting down next to him.

"Awww, I'm sorry baby." He said caressing my cheek.

"Yeah, whatever." I laughed pushing his hand away.

"I appreciate this amazing gift though." He said stuffing his face.

I snorted. "I'm sure you do." I said wiping the syrup off the side of his lip.

"It keeps my mind occupied so I really do appreciate it." He said sighing as he kept eating.

"Still no call?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Not even a text message."

I placed my hand on his leg. "I'm sure they'll call soon. Trust me." I smiled.

Xolo auditioned a little while ago to play the character "Blue Beetle" in a new upcoming movie and this was a role he's been wanting really badly.

I had all the faith in the world that he would get this part, but Xolo does quite a lot of overthinking sometimes and tends to lean in the opposite direction.

His agent told him they would call today with the news on if he got the role or not.

"What if my acting wasn't good enough." He said starting to doubt himself.

"Babe, I can promise you that you knocked your audition out of the park and they would be complete fools to not choose you for this part." I said grabbing his hand tightly.

"You really think I got the part?" He asked.

"I know you got that damn part."


It was roughly an hour and a half later and I was currently giving the cat a bath while Xolo cleaned the dishes downstairs.

Originally I was gonna have him stay in bed while I did everything, but I figured it was good to keep him distracted.

Reality was I should of made him give the cat a bath, because this task is nearly impossible.

"Come on, Gimp. It's just water." I told the cat as he hissed and meowed at me to let go of him so he can run.

"You having fun there?" Xolo asked walking in laughing.

"Not one bit." I said pouring some water on the cat.

"You wanted it." He said.

I turned and looked at him giving him a glare. "I might have wanted the cat, but I didn't ask for an egg to fall on his head this morning."

He laughed more. "I'm sorry, this is just so funny to me."

"Oh, I bet it is." I said as I got the last bit of soap off him and wrapped him in a towel.

As I was doing so Xolo's phone rang.

He stood up straight looking at me. "It's my agent." He said.

"Well, answer it!" I told him impatiently.

He answered the phone and sadly I couldn't hear much of what was being said on the other line.

Xolo's facial expressions weren't giving me much either.

"Okay...... Okay, thank you so much." He said then hung up.

He had a look of disappointment and my heart melted.

"Well......" He began as he looked down.

"Oh, baby." I said setting the cat down and taking his hands.

"I got the part." He said looking up at me smiling wide.

"What?!" I yelled.

"I got it!" He said laughing jumping up and down.

"Oh my god, baby that's so amazing." I said as tears began falling down my face.

He immediately pulled me into a hug. "Oh, babe, don't cry." He said resting his head on mine.

"I'm just so happy for you. I knew you could do this." I said kissing him passionately.

"You're always right." He said wiping the tears from my face.

"I'm so damn proud of you." I said squeezing him tight.

"I'm gonna be "Blue Beetle"." He said making me giggle.

"You're gonna be "Blue Beetle"." I repeated feeling extremely happy and proud of him.

A/N: Hey guys! Long time no see. I'm sorry for the extreme lack of writing. I got major writers block and just stopped writing completely, but I know I had to make my comeback at some point so here I am! Haha. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and thanks for the outpouring of support. It means the world to me💕

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