Chapter 10

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As we walked out of the VIP area everyone was finally let out of the rooms they got locked in to head home.

Once in awhile I got stares from people so I got the hint that everyone knew about everything already.

"God, why do people have to make it so obvious that they knew you were the one stuck in a fucking closet cause of some idiot." I said upset.

"Because that's how people are." Billy said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Do you know where everyone is?" I asked.

"Yeah, their all still on stage because no one will let them leave till all the fans do just in case."



When we got to the backstage area I heard a very pissed off Xolo.

"Jacob stop telling me to calm down! This is my best friend we're talking about and no one knows anything about what's happening!"

"She's my best friend too Xolo! Don't you think we're all just as worried as you are?" Jacob yelled back at him.


"Billy wait." I said grabbing his hand.

"You really want to piss him off more?" He asked.

"No, I just want to see where this is gonna go." I said laughing.


"I know you guys are just as worried! B-but none of you will understand why I'm more worried than the rest of you."

"And why is that?" Tanner asked.

"Cause I'm in love with her! Ok!" Xolo yelled.

"I've been in love with her since the first time I've ever laid eyes on her. I can't lose her! She's the reason I smile everyday, the reason I'm happy, she's the reason I love going to work everyday
cause I get to see her!"


I smiled from ear to ear.

"Now we can walk out." I said looking at Billy.

"Wait, d-did he just say the L word?" Billy asked.

"Yes he did." I said walking out.


When I walked out everyone was looking at me but Xolo cause he had his face in his hands.

"Alana!" Mary said jumping from her seat running over to hug me.

"Oh my god. I thought something really horrible happened."

"I'm ok. They arrested the guy and he never got to me." I said pulling away opening my arms for a group hug.

"Group hug cause I really need it right now." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Come on guys get in here!" Mary said loud enough so everyone would come over.


When we all pulled away from the giant group hug my Brown eyes met with another pair of Brown eyes.

"Alana." Xolo said on the verge of tears.

I ran up to him and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Oh. I thought you got hurt, I was so worried." He said burying his head in my neck.

"I know, I'm ok. I'm here." 

"God." He said lifting his end up to look at me with tears going down his face.

"Oh baby." I said putting my feet on the ground and putting my hands on his face to wipe the tears away.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.


"I heard what you said."

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"I heard you say you're in love with me." I said grinning.

"O-oh." He said growing all red and looking down at the ground.

"Xolo." I said lifting his head up.


"Look at me."

When he finally looked at me I said what I've been waiting to say for a little while now.

"I love you too."

"You do?"

"Yes! I'd be stupid not too." I said laughing.

"I kinda figured that since we didn't even go on our first date yet that you would of thought I was crazy."

"What? No!" I said slapping him on the back of the head.

"Just because we didn't go one our date yet or have been dating for forever, doesn't mean I don't love you like that."

"Well in that case then." He said leaning in towards me.

"I love you more than you will ever know." He said right before kissing me.

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