Chapter 21

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When we reached his apartment door I was hesitant to knock.

"Babe, I'm sure he's not that pissed. Plus we won't know for sure if you don't knock on the door." Xolo said making me roll my eyes.

*Knock Knock*

"Hey." Billy said as he opened the door.

"Hey." I said with a slight smile.

We walked into the house which always felt like home to me since I've lived here at one point, till I turned 18.

"So just so I know. You aren't some ticking time bomb right now. Right?" I asked turning around.

"No, I was earlier but I'm not now." Billy said leaning up against the kitchen counter.

Him saying that earned me a very big "I told you so look" from Xolo.

"Well Dave told me you looked pretty pissed so I was 'preparing myself'." I said emphasizing the last 2 words while looking at Xolo.

All Xolo did was surrender his hands.

"Anyways." Billy said confused about what just happened. "Let's get this job done."

"Is it your kitchen sink or another sink?" I asked.

"The bathroom sink in the guest bedroom." Billy said pointing to it.

I walked over and opened the door to reveal something I wasn't expecting.

So unexpected I started crying. "M-mom." I said getting choked up.

"Hi babygirl." She said stretching her arms out for me to hug her.

I was so confused but more so in shock. My mom is actually here right now!

Billy walked over to us. "There was no drain problem... I took the day off to go pick your mom up from the airport to surprise you." Billy said as he rubbed my arm.

I looked at my mom. "I-I thought yo-" I was trying to say to my mom but couldn't so thankfully she knew what I was gonna say.

"I lied. I've been planning this for awhile now that I didn't want to just fly out, I wanted to make it memorable.... So memorable I also quit my job and I'm gonna work for Billy's wife."

I almost passed out hearing that. "Did you just say quit your job?" I asked in shock.

She laughed. "Yes. I finally left that asshole."

"This is the best day ever." I said laughing. "But one more thing." I said turning to look at Billy. "Was Dav-"

"He was apart of our plan too." My mom said. "And Billy also knew you two would say something to each other and we needed him to keep it a secret."

"Sneaky little jerks." I said shoving my mom.


As we stood around taking in everything my mom finally looked at Xolo.

"Hi Xolo." My mom said smiling at him.

"Hi Mrs. Smith." He said walking over to hug her. "It's finally nice to meet you."

"You too and please, call me Andy." She told him.

My mom never liked being called Mrs. Smith. Mainly because of my dad, she wanted to get a divorce to change her name but the court wouldn't allow her too due to the fact he wasn't there to sign papers with her.

"So mom. You're staying with us right?"

She sighed. "That's the plan. I heard that you also live with Jacob. Is that right?"

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