Chapter 25

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*Few days later*

Today was the day... My mom was going back home. She didn't have to leave till later tonight and I made sure of that cause we had work today.

Today we are shooting for the big house fight.

I was absolutely excited for it.

"You ready to get your ass beat Lawrence?" I heard Jacob say from behind me.

"No. Cause you won't have a chance to." I said taking a bite of my apple.

"Actually according to the script here." Jacob said flipping through pages. "I get to throw you into stairs." He said smiling.

"Actually, you get to throw my stunt double into stairs." I said smiling while patting his shoulder.

He sighed. "Can't you just let me enjoy my moment of getting to fight you." He said glaring at me.

"Nope." I told him and walked off to hair and makeup.


"Alana you look good." My mom said looking at me.

"Yeah till I get beat up. Then I'll look like I was in a bar fight." I said making her laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you." She said with a half smile.

"Me too." I told her walking over to hug her. "At least I know you'll be at a different job now and can come visit me more often." I said while pulling away.

"I'm glad I can do that. Feels less stressful."

"I bet it does." I told her pulling my phone out cause someone had texted me.

"They need me." I said smiling at her.

"Ok. I'll see you when you come back."

I stopped before I walked out. "How about you come watch us film the scene." I suggested.

"I'd love too." She smiled as we headed out the door.


We were done filming the fight scene which was so fun.

Now we were on to the next scene when Johnny finds out about what happened.

"Alright everyone! Places!" The director yelled. "And action!"

*Knock Knock*

"Carmen I- what's wrong?" Billy said.

She opened the door wider to reveal Xolo and I.

"What happened?" He asked in an angry tone.

"Cobra Kai." Is all I said.

He stormed out the door. "Dad!" I yelled and went to go after him but was stopped.

"You are not going with him." Xolo said.

"Miguel I have too." I told him.

"No you don't. You know exactly what he's gonna do." He said.

"That's why I need to be there. As much as I hate Kreese, I'd rather have a father who's not in jail." I told him ripping my arm from his grasp.

"Well then I'm going with you." He told me and we walked out the door.

"And cut!"

I turned to high five Xolo.

"We make an excellent team might I add." I told him smiling.

"That we do." He said leaning in and kissing me.

"Gross! Get a room!" The director yelled making us laugh.

Working On Set Of Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now