Chapter 35

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(Alana's POV)

It was currently four o'clock in the morning and today was the day we start filming for Season four of 'Cobra Kai'.

I was extremely excited because I haven't seen everyone in roughly two weeks.

The more we inch the date of filming the busier everyone gets with training and meetings.

So I was really excited to finally be back with my best friends.

Just as we pulled into the parking lot I already saw some familiar faces.

"I think someone is excited to see us." Xolo said turning the car off as he stared at who was waiting.

"I'd say so." I smiled getting out.

I immediately ran up to said person hugging them almost knocking them over.

"Oh it's so good to see you, Alana." Ralph said returning the hug back.

"I've missed you!" I said pulling away to face him.

He smiled. "Me too. I actually came out here to see if you arrived yet because a couple other people are anxiously waiting." He said laughing.

"I can only guess who." I said laughing along.

"You! Congratulations on getting the 'Blue Beetle' part!" He said hugging Xolo making me smile so big.

"Thank you. It doesn't feel real." Xolo told him shaking his head still in disbelief.

"I remember when I got my first big role, that feeling will never fade away." Ralph said patting Xolo on the back.

"Should we get inside?" I asked Ralph.

"Please. Everyone is becoming impatient. My phone keeps dinging too. You're gonna need to reach me how to silence this thing." He said taking out his phone looking at it dumbfounded.

I laughed. "Oh, how I've missed you."


We walked into the building to be met with all sorts of lovely faces that we've missed.

"Alana!" I heard female voices knowing exactly who it belonged to.

"Mary! Peyton!" I yelled back running over to hug them.

"Oh my gosh! We've missed you so much!" They said squeezing me super tight.

"Me too!" Peyton added.

"I w-would say the same thing b-but I can't b-breathe." I said slowly losing air to my lungs.

"Guys let the women breathe." Tanner said walking over.

"Ok, ok. We're sorry." Mary laughed letting me go.

I smiled at the boy in front of me who I've missed so dearly.

My brother from another mother.

"Hi Tanner." I smiled hugging him.

"Hi Lana." He said back using the nickname he always called me since we first met.

I pulled away looking at my surroundings. "Oh, it feels so good to be back. Season four already. Wow." I said taking everything all in.

"Yeah, seems unreal doesn't it." Peyton said agreeing.

I shook my head. "It really does tho-"

Just as I was about to finish my sentence screaming came from next to me.

"TANNER!" Xolo yelled running up to bro hug him.

"XOLO!" Tanner yelled back accepting the hug.

I put my finger to my ear and started shaking my head. "Gosh I think I'm deaf now... thanks guys!" I yelled to them dramatically.

It's too early for this screaming.

Xolo giggled. "Sorry, babe." He said side hugging me.

"It's fi-"

"XOLO! TANNER!" Jacob yelled running up next.

"Dude. What the hell." I said laughing at how dumb these guys were.

"My guy!" Tanner and Xolo said as they bro hugged Jacob this time.

I laughed at their dumb antics. Even though the yelling can cause headaches by the end of the day I wouldn't trade this for the world.

"Jacob you live with us. You saw us last week." I said not sure why he reacted that way.

"That's a long time, babe." Xolo said taken back by what I said.

I rolled my eyes. "No, it's not." I laughed.

"From your best friend. Yes, it is." Jacob said defending Xolo.

"You two are ridiculous." I said shaking my head giggling.


It was about thirty minutes since we've been here and before we started any filming the directors and producers gave us time to say hello before we got ready for the day.

I finally had gotten done saying hello to everyone, but I made sure to save my favorite person for last.

I looked around the room until I spotted them.

The second I did I ran up behind them wrapping my arms around their waist.

"What the-" They said till I walked up beside them.

"Alana." They smiled relaxing the second they knew who it was.

"Billy." I smiled back.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good. I'm happy to see you." I said hugging him.

"Don't lie." He said making me laugh.

Oh, how I've missed my Billy.

"I've missed you too kid." He said kissing my head.

"I didn't get one of those?" Martin said offended.

"I gave you one earlier! Don't lie!" I said shaking my head at him.

He pouted. "I was hoping for another one." He said sadly. "You give really good hugs."

It made me feel bad so I gave him another one. "There are you happy now." I said walking away going back to hug Billy.

"You know what. No, I'm not... How come he gets a long one?" He asked looking between Billy and I.

"Because he's special." I said.

He snickered. "He's special alright." He said making me hold back a laugh.

"This is exactly why Kreese fits you so well." I said making everyone around me go into a fit of laughter.


Once we had all settled down we headed into our trailers to get into costume and then head to hair and makeup.

My outfit for today was black ripped jeans, black boots, and a Metallica shirt.

Just as I finished getting ready there was a knock on my door signaling I needed to get to the other trailer.

When I walked out I was met with the eyes of Gianni.

"Hey, G." I smiled.

"Hey. I was coming over to see if you were ready. They need you in hair and makeup." He said.

I nodded. "I was born ready." I said walking off with him.

It felt absolutely amazing to be back.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It might be a little rusty, but bear with me I'm getting back into the groove of things. Other than that I hope you guys liked it🫶🏼

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