!!!Very important A/N!!!

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A/N: I am beyond surprised and sad to hear that Cobra Kai has announced their Sixth and final season will soon be coming to Netflix.

I feel like this show could go on for many more years, but I also see the reason for ending it. There are several incredibly amazing young actors on this show that have received other great opportunities that for obvious reasons won't be able to stay on the show if it were to keep going.

I obviously have plenty of more writing to do especially since I haven't written anything for the filming of Season 4 or 5 yet, but once the sixth season comes out. I'm gonna have to make a decision.

A decision I want to be made together, because I feel it's not fair to you guys if I were to just make it on my own.

So the two options were to end the story when the show ends, or to keep it going and post a chapter here and there and continue with the storyline of Xolo and Alana's relationship and them going through their usual ups and downs.

I wanted to make this as fair as possible and ask you guys what you would rather me do. I can keep it going or I can end it. It's all in the hands of you.

Please let me know in the comments what you guys would rather me do. Even if you have another story idea for me I can do that. I just want to make sure it's not just my choice.

Anyways, I really appreciate every single one of you and thank you for the endless support💕

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