Chapter 15

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"I don't understand. How?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's what the test results said..... Miss. Smith I'm so sorry." The officer told me.

"I- what." I said not wanting to believe any of this.

"Has he ever tried anything like this on you before?"

"What? No! I barely even know him." I said dumbfounded.

"Well he's gonna be put in jail for a little while." He said writing something down.

"Good, I want him to stay there, for all I care I hope he rots in hell." I said leaving the room pissed off.

I needed to find Xolo but instead found Billy.

"Hey. What are you in such a hurry for?" He asked looking down at me.

"I need to find Xolo, like right now." I said frantically.

"Well he's right over there, is everything alright?" He asked while pointing in the direction of Xolo.

"Uhh, yeah, I mean, no." I said not even knowing at this point.

"Ugh. No! I'm not ok. I need to find Xolo and I my as well tell you too so meet me in my trailer in 5, please." I said walking away.

"Xolo." I called walking up behind him.

"Hey. That's not what you call me." He said joking around till he saw my face.

"Woah, Babe, what's wrong?" He asked putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Come with me please." I said grabbing his hand walking away.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked while I walked out the door of the building.

"To my trailer to talk."

"Ok. Wait, hold on. Stop." He said letting go of my hand.

"D-did I do something?" He asked scared of my response.

"What. No! I- Babe you didn't do anything, I just need to tell you something privately." I said grabbing his hand again.

"Ok. Thank god." He said as we continued walking.


When we got into the trailer I was so stressed and upset that it was hard not to break down right now.

"Ok, can you tell us what's wrong now." Xolo said crossing his arms.

"Here." I said grabbing the rolled up paper's and handing it to them.

They read the papers and none of them said a thing just looked at me.

It took a minute or 2 for someone to finally say something.

"The officer just told me. The man who tried to kill me, is my father." I said with a shaky voice.

"He's in jail though right?" Billy asked.

"Yeah but they only told me he's gonna be there for awhile, awhile could be 3 months, a year, 3 years even." I said throwing my arms everywhere out of frustration.

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