Chapter 29

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The next morning I woke up and noticed Xolo wasn't in bed.

I took that as a sign he was still mad at me and I deserved that.

Today we had work though, so he couldn't exactly avoid me all day no matter how badly he might want too.

I got out of bed and took a shower. After, I dried my hair and got changed.

Then I went downstairs to grab something to eat for on the way to work.

When I had gotten down there no one was here. So that answered my thought from earlier about Xolo already being gone.

"It's gonna be a long day." I said locking the house door, leaving.


When I arrived at work I got changed into my outfit for the scene we were gonna shoot and got my hair and makeup done.

"Where's your other half?" My makeup artist asked me.

"Long story." I said disgusted with myself.

"A fight?" She asked.

"Guess you can call it that." I said standing up from the chair to go onto set once she finished.

"Just remember it's all apart of the relationship." She told me and I shook my head.

Today we were filming a date scene, which meant Xolo and I were gonna be together.

Not that I didn't want to see him, I knew he didn't want to see me. To be honest it was quite tempting to ask to film a different scene.

I walked over and sat at a table till we were needed while they were setting things up.

"Hey." I heard someone say from behind me.

I turned around and was met with my favorite brown eyed boy. "Hey." I said giving him a small smile.

He came over and sat down across from me. "I'm sorry." He told me.

Hearing him say that I almost choked on my own spit. "For what?" I asked as I looked at him really confused.

"For being mad at you without getting your explanation first."

I scoffed. "Xolo, if anyone is to apologize, it's not you. You saw me kissing another guy, what were you supposed to do, act like it never happened?" I asked.

"I should of let you explain everything before leaving you at that party. Instead I didn't and came to find out it was that jackasses fault." He said rolling his eyes at the thought of him.

"Babe, if I were in your position never would I have not done what you did. You had every right to be mad at me." I said reassuringly.

He just smiled and grabbed my hand.

"I love you and only you." I said rubbing small shapes into his hand.

He sighed. "I hate to say it, but I can't say I can forgive you completely, whether it was your fault or not." He said looking me in the eyes. "At least not yet."

I smiled. "I'll do everything in my power to make sure you can forgive me completely. Just because it wasn't my fault doesn't mean you can't be mad at me." I said. "Then again... I was the one who didn't pull away, when no matter what I should have."

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you more."


After our talk we filmed our scene and went to lunch.

Xolo and I were sitting alone at a table talking, smiling, and laughing.

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