Chapter 39

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(Xolo's POV)

When I finally got Bruna off of me from tickling her. I looked at my phone to then see Alana hang up.

"No!" I yelled as I tried to call her back, but Bruna snatched my phone.

"You aren't calling her back! Not till tomorrow!" She yelled at me.

"Do you not realize what you just did?" I asked her.

"Me?" She asked.

"Bruna! Alana just heard that whole thing!" I yelled at her as I got up pacing the room.

She sighed. "Oh shit..." She said realizing what just happened.

"Yeah, oh shit!" I yelled.

"Xolo, calm down." Belissa told me.

"Calm down?" I asked. "My girlfriend probably thinks I'm cheating on her right now. I have to call her back, Bruna." I said trying to get my phone back, but she still wouldn't allow me to.

She shook her head. "No, if that's what she's thinking right now she's not gonna want to talk to you. It's better if you just wait till tomorrow morning." She told me.

I didn't want to, but knew she was right. It's better if I just give her, her space.

I sighed. "Fine, but you're gonna have to let the producers know I'm flying home tomorrow morning." I told her as I sat down on the bed.

"What? Why?" Belissa asked confused.

"Cause I need to go home. I can't be here right now." I told them and they just nodded.

"Ok... Well, we should get going." Bruna said getting up from the bed walking to the door.

"Thanks guys for bringing me back home." I said walking with them.

"No problem. Sorry about Alana. I didn't mean for that to happen." Bruna said sadly.

"No, that wasn't your doing. It was mine. Don't worry about it." I told her with a small smile.

"Ok... Goodnight, Xolo." She said as they walked out.

I closed the door and immediately fell back into it.

"What the hell have I done." I said not knowing what I was gonna do about this.

I went back over to my bed and sat there.

I still needed to do something.

Something that I know for a fact is what's right and it needs to happen tomorrow when I come home.

I know it's kinda out of the blue and sorta random, but this is something that just feels right and it needs to be done.

I was gonna call someone to fill them in on what I needed to do, but I was so exhausted that I just fell asleep.

(Alana's POV)

It was the next morning and all I've been doing was laying in bed.

I kept trying to convince myself that what I heard wasn't that, but I had nothing to tell me it wasn't.

My phone has been going off all morning and they were texts from Xolo ranging from the words "I'm sorry, please let me explain." to "It's not what you think.".

Reading those messages were the only things making me question this, but I still wasn't sure.

I know he would never do something like this to me... or so I thought.

As I was lying there, Peyton walked in with a tray of food.

"Hey." She said giving me a small smile.

"Hey." I said giving her one back.

"I made some pancakes. They're cute little shapes." She said making me laugh as she set the tray down on the nightstand next to me.

"Thanks, Pey." I said as I happily took the plate of food.

"Mary is currently destroying my kitchen. She's making a chocolate cake for you." She told me making me giggle.

"She always knows the perfect foods to make when sad." I said as I devoured the pancakes in front of me.

"This is probably a dumb question, but... how are you?" She asked.

I sighed. "To be honest. I don't know." I told her truthfully.

"You were pretty upset last night. I was getting worried." She said.

"It still hurts just as much if not more, but it's like... what if I'm in the wrong for ignoring him right now." I said tearing up again. "Like he's been texting and calling me all morning and I've been ignoring him." I told her.

"Hey. We both heard it. There's no denying what we heard and you have every right to want your own space right now and to comprehend what's happening. It's a natural human response." She told me and I nodded my head.

"You know exactly how to make one feel better." I said as I laid my head on her shoulder.

(Xolo's POV)

I've been trying to get into contact with Alana all morning and she hasn't answered.

Giving the circumstances I understand what could be going through her mind right now and I can't blame her.

I just wish she would answer me so I would be able to let her know it's not what she thought it was.

Right now currently I was waiting in the airport.

While waiting I decided to call Billy and let him know what was going on.

I sat there and waited for him to answer and he did on the third ring.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Billy... Um... I have a question." I said a little nervous to ask.

"Ok..." He said confused.

"Before I ask I need to make sure you aren't gonna blow up on me." I said as I began to bounce my leg in nervousness.

"Why would I?" He asked.

"Cause what I'm about to ask, may or may not make you want to kill me." I said hesitantly.

"Just spit it out already I don't got all day." He said annoyed with me already.

"Ok, ok... I'm asking you... if I can have Alana's hand in marriage."

A/N: SURPRISE!!! Xolo wants to propose to Alana🥹 Now we just got to wait and see if she says yes!

Thank you guys for the support. I'm sorry if this proposal may seem a little random. I just needed a big life changing moment for them to find more ideas for chapters in the future🫶🏼

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