Chapter 5

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"Hey guys you ready to go?" Mary asked Tanner and Jacob.

"Yeah. You coming to Alana?" Tanner asked.

"Yeah, I could use a distraction from my thoughts." I said laughing.

"Well ok then. Let's go." Jacob said laughing as well.


When we got to Tanners car. Tanner got in the drivers seat, Mary was in the passenger seat, and Jacob and I were sitting in the back.

The drive was nice and quiet and I enjoyed it, but I just couldn't get Xolo off my mind for the life of me.

He's all I've been thinking about and that's why I've been distracted 95% of my day.

But right now I'm going out with my best friends for dinner so I'm not gonna think about him. No.


When we got their I walked along side Tanner.

"So how have things been? I haven't seen you since yesterday morning." He asked.

"Things have been amazing." I told him.

"Have they?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said kinda offended.

"Well Billy told me you've been distracted all day. So something has to be bothering you to distract you the way he described it." He told me.

I should of known Billy had said something to him.

"I'd rather not talk about it. Right now I just want to have fun with my best friends." I said smiling and pulling him into a side hug.


As the waitress lead us to our table that was in a private area I noticed other people sitting in there through the doors but couldn't make out who it was.

"Here you are I will be right with you soon to take your orders." The waitress told us and walked away.

I looked from her to the 2 people in the room and saw that it was Hannah and Xolo.

Why the hell were they here? Mary never told me they were coming. If she did I wouldn't even be here right now.

"Mary you never told me they were gonna be here." I said to her as I walked up behind her.

"That's because I didn't know."

"Tanner and Jacob must of invited them."

"Great, just great." I mumbled to myself as I walked over to the table to sit down.

And of course just my luck I had to sit right across from Xolo.


Everyone was talking among themselves while eating but I stayed quiet the whole time.

I felt kinda dumb for being so mad at him but I didn't at the same time.

I was mainly mad because we almost kissed and he acted like nothing happened and then skipped work today and stayed with Hannah.

I mean yeah we aren't dating but for the past year I've felt that Hannah was always trying to find a way to keep me away from him.

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