Chapter 22

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After my mom and I were finished cleaning up we went into the living room to see what movie the boys picked out or as they like to call themselves, men.

"What movie did you guys pick?" I asked sitting down next to Xolo.

"Jumanji but the newest ones cause there hilarious." Jacob said starting the movie.

"They are pretty funny." My mom said turning the light off in the room and sitting down.

We all sat there and watched as the movie started.

Xolo and I were laying in the corner of the couch, he had his head on my chest and his arm laying across me.

Jacob was laying with his head next to me and his body laying across the rest of the couch.

And my mom got the comfy chair all to herself.

About half way through the movie everyone was asleep but me.

I was about to fall asleep till my phone dinged.

                            Tanner Boy
Tanner: Hey I was thinking we could hang out tomorrow and go play some mini golf. What do you think?
                               Me: Yeah that sounds
                               great. It's fine that Xolo
                               comes right?
Tanner: Yeah, definitely, I'm bring Lizzie anyways.
                               Me: Ok, see ya then.


It was now the next day and I had told Xolo what our plans were for the day. I felt bad that I was gonna be leaving my mom here when I was supposed to be hanging out with her but she told me we would find something to do later.

"Ok. Mom we're leaving!" I yelled out as I grabbed my purse ready to leave.

"Ok. Love you. Have fun."

"I will. Love you too." I yelled back as I walked out the door and to the car.

Xolo was already waiting in the car for me as per usual so when I got in the car we immediately left and were on our way.

"So. When do you plan on telling your mom?" Xolo asked making me look at him in confusion.

"Plan on telling my mom what?" I asked.

"About your dad, Alana."

I formed an O shape with my mouth. "I, uh, I don't know." I said really unsure.

"You got to tell her at some point." He said making a point.

I sighed. "Yeah I know. I'm just afraid if I tell her it's gonna ruin her whole trip and the entire mood." I said while looking out the car window.

"Babe, I don't know your mom that well, but I know her well enough that she'd want to know and that it wouldn't ruin anything." He said rubbing my thigh.

~that's what you think~ I said to myself.


When we arrived at the place Tanner and Lizzie were already there.

"Lizzie!" I yelled running up to her.

"Alana! Oh my god." She said hugging me.

"I missed you so much."

"Me too. It's so great to finally be together again." She said pulling away.

I nodded in agreement as we continued to talk about anything and everything while Xolo and Tanner talked.

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