Chapter 9

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After we all got backstage ready to go on stage, Billy turned to me.

"Where's Alana?"

"Oh. She went to the bathroom."

"Oh. Ok." Billy said turning around.

I was able to tell by the look on his face that he was worried about something.

So he was either pissed at me for not going with her or he genuinely was like "Oh. Ok." and I was overreacting.


We were out on stage for maybe 5 mins and Alana still hasn't come back yet.

I had already told the interviewer why she wasn't here yet and he said ok no worries.

But I was worried.

Till my phone buzzed and saw Alana's name pop up.


The bathrooms felt like they were ages away.

And as I was walking there I felt like someone was following me. So I turned around.

I saw no one.

All I saw was a bunch of people walking around at the end of the hall way.

"Finally." I said as I reached the bathrooms.


I walked in, did my business, washed my hands, and walked out.

As I was walking back to the back stage area I felt like I was being watched this time.

And this time.

I was right.

There was a guy behind me wearing all black who had a knife on him staring at me in the corner of the room.

I immediately started panicking and ran to the nearest door.


I had finally reached the door and opened it and locked myself in there.

The guy started wiggling the door handle.

"Come on princess. I won't hurt you."

When he said that it reminded me of my kidnapping.

Which caused me to go into a panic attack and start shaking and gasping for air.

I didn't know what to do but I also needed someone to help me so I pulled my phone out and texted Xolo.


I looked at the message and my heart immediately dropped.

Her message said.

"Xolo I need your help right now! I'm locked in the closet near the bathrooms. There's this guy who was following me and he has a knife and he's trying to get in and I'm scared! Plz! Help!"

I honestly didn't know what to do cause I couldn't just walk out.

"Alana still hasn't showed up. Where is she?" Billy asked.

I debated on telling him cause I knew he was gonna flip but I had no other choice right now. I needed to help her.

"Here." I said handing Billy my phone to read her message.

After he read her message he immediately got up out of his chair and ran backstage.

Which caught EVERYONE'S attention.

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