Chapter 30

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After Jacob and I's talk I really thought about what he had said.

As much as I didn't want to leave him alone right now, I knew I should.

He was more than likely upset with me again cause then again the guy he saw kiss me last night just showed up to where we work.

I wanted to chose to think that he believed me but really I don't think he does. I just know part of him still needs clarification that what happened, wasn't meant to happen.

I was now sitting outside of the building we work at looking up at the night sky.

Everyone else was inside talking to each other but I felt like I couldn't face anyone.

I'm sure everyone already knew about everything that happened and I didn't want to deal with the staring.

"Why don't you come inside?" Someone said as they sat down next to me.

"Cause I can't bare to face anyone." I said turning over to look at Vanessa.

"I heard about what happened. Did you mean for it to happen?" She asked.

"No. Not even in the slightest. Lucas kissed me and I didn't move. I was shocked he even did it, cause I mentioned I had a boyfriend." I told her with tears welling up in my eyes. "What if Xolo never forgives me and choose's to think I was the one who kissed him." I said looking over at her.

"Alana, you can't think that way if you truly want to make it right again. Just tell him every detail about what happened, don't leave a single thing out." She said as she placed a hand on mine.

"I did, last night, and then he talked to me today and we were good. We were laughing and smiling, like we always did. Then Lucas showed up and it all went downhill again." I said as tears went down my face.

She looked at me with sympathy. "Right now, all you can do, is let him tell you what's bothering him so much about the whole situation. If anything. Maybe he's still processing it all." She suggested.

I nodded. "I'll just have to give him time." I said agreeing with her even though not being able to do all the things we used to do, was gonna be hard.

She smiled. "Now come inside, it's cold out here." She said as she stuck her hand out for me to grab.


I didn't get all the staring like I thought I was gonna get. Besides from Jacob, he eyed me here and there.

I knew for a fact he wasn't gonna forgive me either till Xolo did, even if he was my best friend too.

While everyone was talking I just stood next to Billy so I can give Xolo his space.

Every now and then he would glance at me but I never acknowledged him, I wanted to make sure he knew I was giving him time.

"Alana." Jon called out.

"Yeah?" I said in response.

"Someone's outside wanting to speak with you, says you know him. His name is Lucas." He said and my jaw clenched.

"I swear to god, I'm gonna murder someone." I said and walked towards the door.

"Alana!" I heard Xolo yell but I didn't care, I kept walking.

When I got outside he was pacing back and forth.

"Did you not understand the first time?" I asked pissed.

"Alana, I'm so sorry. I really don't know what got into me." He started but I cut him off.

"No!" I yelled. "Do you not realize what you did? My boyfriend doesn't want much to do with me right now cause of what you did!" I yelled shoving him. "You knew I had a boyfriend but your jealous ass couldn't handle that. Then you come to here and lie about everything!" I proceeded to yell.

"I'm really sorry." He said with guilt written all over his face.

"I don't care how sorry you are, the next time I see your face, my fist is gonna be printed all over it. Stay away from me, and especially from Xolo." I told him sternly.

He kept glancing behind me, but I ignored it. He then sighed. "Ok." Was all he said and he walked back to his car.

Once he drove away from the building and was out of sight, I let out the biggest breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I smiled to myself proud for putting him in his place. I went to turn around and walk back inside but was met with Xolo.

"Xolo. What are you doing out here?" I asked but all he did was smile at me.

He walked closer, grabbed my cheek, and pulled me in for the most passionate kiss ever.

My stomach fluttered with butterflies, I felt like fireworks were going off around us. I could stay here forever.

After your first fight kiss, is definitely almost as amazing as the first ever kiss.

"Thank you." He said once he pulled away.

"For what?" I asked catching my breath.

"For telling him off the way you did. To be completely honest I don't even think I could of done that." He said making me laugh.

"I only did what had to be done." I said as I looked into his brown eyes.

"Eres mi mundo. Te amo."

"Yo también te amo." I told him as I kissed him again.


We finally made it home and Xolo and I were laying in bed watching TV.

"If we didn't make up and I broke up with you. I'm almost one hundred percent certain you would of gotten with Matt Casey." He told me as we watched one of our favorite shows.

(A/N: The show is 'Chicago Fire' for those who don't know)

I snorted. "I mean... Probably, but he wouldn't be anything compared to you." I said smiling at him.

"You sure about that?" He asked. "The guys hot and fights fires for a living."

I scrunched my face. "Are you trying to tell me something, Xolo." I asked shifting to fully face him.

"What? No." He defended.

I laughed. "You're something else." I said kissing him ending our night perfectly.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for scaring some of you guys into thinking Xolo and Alana were gonna break up. Lol.

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