Chapter 26

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Today was filled with a bunch of training.
The worst days ever.

"Can you do a backflip?" Xolo asked Jacob.

"One hundred percent." He told him cracking his knuckles.

I just scoffed.

Jacob was very determined to prove to everyone he can do a backflip. I on the other hand, had very little faith in him.

"You really don't think I can do it?" He asked.

"Nope." Xolo said shaking his head.

"I'm a master at this. Right Alana?"

"Hey." I said surrendering my hands. "It's your funeral."

Jacob got in his position and to say I wasn't nervous of this outcome would be a lie.

"3...2.....1" The trainer counted down as Jacob flipped in the air.

"Wow." Xolo said surprised that he actually stuck the landing.

"Told ya I can do it." He said raising a hand for someone to high five him but we all stood there looking at him.

"Fine. I'll high five myself." He said doing exactly that.

"You know who can't do a backflip though?" Jacob asked. "Gianni." He said sipping his water.

I laughed. "Wanna make a bet?" I asked.

"Love too." He told me.

"Gianni. Let's go. Get your ass over here." I said ready to prove Jacob wrong.

"What?" He asked shocked walking over to me. "Alana, you know I can't do a backflip." He whisper yelled.

"That's where your wrong." I said smiling. "I know you can, and we're gonna prove that to Jacob."

"Alana." He said but I didn't give him time to say anything else.

"Ok! The amount of money we're betting on is ten dollars." I said.

"What?! No. More than that." Jacob said.

"That's all I got on me." I said pulling out the ten dollar bill from my pocket.

"Ugh! Fine." He said crossing his arms.

"Ok. You ready?" I asked turning to look at Gianni.


"Great. Let's do this." I said having him get in position while I spotted him to make sure he was in position right.

"3..." I said starting to count down.

"Alana. I can't do this." He said.

"You can and you will." I said glaring at him.

"2....1." I said as Gianni flipped in the air but didn't stick the landing.

Needless to say. I heard a crack.

"Oh my god." I said now really regretting this.

"Gianni!" Xolo yelled running up to both of us.

"My arm." He said holding it.

"G. Oh my god. I'm so sorry." I said kneeling down next to him.

"Calm down. It's not your fault Lana." He told me groaning in pain.

"Yes it is. I made you do this." I said freaked out.

"I'll go get someone." Xolo told me as he ran out of the room to go find someone.

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