Chapter 27

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Xolo and I got invited to a party at Hannah's place.

I was hesitant on going cause parties never end well, but we both had nothing better to do, so we decided to go.

"Do we really have to go?" Xolo whined while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yes. There's nothing else we can do, plus everyone we know is gonna be there." I told him as I held his hand.

"We can go back home. Lay in bed." He said while giving me a look I knew all to well.

"No. Now keep driving." I said and he groaned.


When we got to Hannah's given location. I didn't expect some giant ass place.

"How much was this place to rent?" Xolo asked in awe.

"Don't even want to know." I replied as we got up to the door and walked inside.

I knew parties were meant to be big, with a lot of people. But you would swear she invited all of Georgia here.

"You sure you don't wanna go back home?" Xolo asked and I just glared at him.

"No, but this shall be fun." I said sarcastically as I grabbed his hand and made our way to Hannah.

"Hey guys!" She yelled once she saw us.

"Hey." I said hugging her.

"I'm glad you both were able to make it." She told us with a smile.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, but I'm pretty sure Xolo would." I said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad." She said shoving his arm.

"I'd honestly rather be anywhere else." He said with a fake smile.

She laughed. "Well drinks are over there, along with food, so help yourselves, and everyone is kinda scattered around so." She told us as she pointed to where the food and drinks were.

"Ok. See you around." I said as we walked off to get a drink. "Maybe." I then whispered to myself.

I poured myself and Xolo some lemonade and grabbed a cookie.

"This place just gives me bad vibes." Xolo said as he looked out at everyone.

"Couldn't say I don't agree. This place is just filled with drugs and alcohol." I said taking a sip of my drink. "Which I'm pretty sure was poured into this lemonade." I said cringing as I set the cup down.

"If a cop shows up here. We're screwed." He said worried and out of his mind.

"Xolo. There's of age people here and underage people here. It's gonna be like this. Now stop worrying and let's go dance." I told him taking his hand.

We went out on the dance floor and danced to the songs that played.

Later on someone had suggested a slow song. The song was "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran.

Xolo and I just smiled at each other and enjoyed the moment. Till he asked a question I didn't expect.

"Do you want to get married someday?" He asked.

My eyes went wide in shock. "To be honest. I never actually thought about it." I said feeling a little bad that I haven't thought about it. "But I do know that wherever you are, is right where I want to be." I said smiling up at him.

"Me too." He smiled back and kissed me.


The party started dying down. There was still a lot of people here but definitely not as many as before.

Xolo hasn't begged to leave in a little while either so I guess his anxiety calmed down.

We were now talking with Jacob, Peyton, Mary, and Hannah.

"So Alana. You broke Gianni's arm?" Hannah asked.

"Uh." I looked around wondering how she knew. "I guess you can say I did." I said sighing.

"No, she didn't, none of what happened was her fault." Xolo told her.

I sighed. "They keep telling me that, but I still blame myself." I said taking a sip of my none alcoholic water.

"Cause it's not your fault. If it's anyone's, it's mine. I was the one who said he can't do a backflip." Jacob stated.

"Very true." Mary agreed.

"I guess it's not my fault, but I still feel bad."

"We all do." Xolo reassured.

I smiled. "I'll be right back." I said and they all nodded as I walked upstairs.

I don't understand why Hannah always picked the houses to rent that have bathrooms upstairs only.

When I got up there, there was a line of people so I had to wait.

While waiting I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye.

"Lucas?" I called out.

"Alana?" He questioned back.

"Oh my god!" I said hugging him. "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm great! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Hannah, I work with her." I told him.

"Same. I worked with her for a short time but I was in town and she decided to invite me."

Lucas was one of my best friends back in New York when I first started my acting career.

"Sorta weird how we both know her." I said laughing.

"Definitely. I'm in town for a couple more days we should hang out, catch up." He suggested.

"I'd love too. It would be a great opportunity to introduce you to my boyfriend." I said smiling.

I noticed his entire mood change. "Boyfriend?" He questioned.

"Yeah, his name is Xolo. I also work with him." I told him.

"Oh. I always assumed you'd be single still." He snickered.

"That's what I thought but I met the love of my life. Couldn't be happier." I smiled just thinking about him.

"You sure he's the love of your life?" He asked a little to rudely.

I slightly laughed. "Well, yeah, I think I'd know if I loved him or not."

He scoffed. "I guess I always saw it differently."

I tilted my head to the side. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for going MIA again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter tho. Let me know what you guys think is gonna happen between Alana and Lucas.

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