Chapter 37||

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"I'm surprised your boyfriend actually let go out with me," Jace chuckled as we shifted up the ticket line at the pier entrance.

"Elijah doesn't exactly control what I do with my time and who I decide to spend it with," I was quick to answer.

He also doesn't know that I was here.

"Well, thanks for coming, I'm sure we'll have fun together," I grinned widely. 

"I'm sure we will."

Jace returned my enthusiasm as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. The action had caught me surprise-- being that Elijah was the only one to ever do that. There was a sense of lingering discomfort that came with Jace doing it in comparison to the safe feeling Elijah usually brought.

I didn't mention it however. I'm sure it was a simple friendly gesture and it'd make things awkward if I did ask him to remove his arm.

Within two minutes, Jace and I had been able to turn in our tickets to the grumpy middle aged teller before we headed inside. It seemed that she'd rather be anywhere but here.

"Oh!" I squealed, clapping my hands together. "What do we even do first?"

"Let's start simple, then we can work our way up," Jace suggested as his blue eyes scanned the area before pointing ahead. "How about we head over there?"

It was a simple roller coaster that looked a lot less intimidating than half the other rides here. I was grateful for his suggestion. I don't think I'd be able to handle the Twirl A' Whirl  just yet. I'd ridden it a few times before but it took some working up to.

"Yeah. That looks great," I nodded, speeding up just a tad big so I'd be able to subtly slip out from beneath his arm.

The line for the roller coaster wasn't that long. Jace and I chuckled at the two boys who were throwing a tantrum over the fact that they weren't old enough to get on. I vaguely remember the days where I'd do the same.

"You look really pretty today, Tessa,"Jace spoke with a small blush. "Not that you don't look pretty everyday-it's just-that--"

"Thank you," I cut off his somewhat adorable rambling with a friendly and appreciative smile.

"Come let's make a deal," He suggested. I quirked a questioning eyebrow. "Whoever gets sick  first has to ride the teacups and pay for lunch."

"It's a deal," I laughed, outstretching my hand so we could shake on it.

"I'm pretty good at roller coasters so don't be surprised if you lose."

"We'll see about that," I smirked. "Let's get on, it's our turn."


"Are you okay?" I asked Jace as I rubbed a hand against his back comfortingly.

"I'm fine," He coughs as he stands upright, taking a swig from the water bottle I got him.

"So much for being good at roller coaster, eh?" I laughed as he grimaced in embarrassment. We'd just finished our seventh ride for the day and it seemed that Jace was all talk an no walk. He managed the first six rides but like every other person I knew, the Space Jam always seemed to make you sick. I've been able to build a certain type of stamina when it came to that particular ride.

"How is it that you're not even a little queasy after that ride?" Jace asked in surprise.

"Well, considering I've lived an hour away all all my life, this isn't the first time I've ridden these rides. I've grown accustom to it after eighteen years."

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