Chapter 6||

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'He wasn't half bad.' - Half Bad by juliaxwrites

"I'm going to strangle her!" I muttered lowly to myself as I weaved my way through masses of sweaty bodies.

The thumping music pounded annoyingly against my head, energetic and enthusiastic teens jumping about, dancing as they'd call it. Red cups and dare I say, condoms littered the floor as I made my way up a narrow staircase, barely avoiding a couple in a heated make out session.

It was just about one in the morning and Arabella had insisted on attending a party on a freaking school night. As much as I'd tried persuading her not to attend, she completely ignored me and went anyway as I'd opted for simply staying home but yet, here I was, against my will, trying to find my drunken best friend who'd phoned me to come get her, her words a slurred mess. I was merely dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that I'd hurriedly slipped on in my sleep induced state before heading over here to pick her up.

Arabella has done a lot of dumb things in her life which she'd eventually drag me into so this certainly wasn't anything new.

Slapping away yet another wandering hand from my body, I turned to glare at the air head jock, Jesse as he smirked at me, stumbling over his own feet, beer in hand. Of every drunken boy I had to run into tonight, it just had to be Jesse Walker.

Jesse was much like any other varsity jock at school as stereotypical as it sounds. Jesse was handsome, rich, quite talented on the baseball field and extremely arrogant to the point that I'm sure he'd make out with himself if given the opportunity.

However, none of those peeved me more than the fact that he had a so-called crush on me since the tenth grade. Of course, he'd have asked me out just about a million times all of which I politely declined but that didn't stop him from making perverted comments or even now, getting a little too grubby with me once in a while as disgusting as it was.

"Have you seen Arabella?" I asked him against my better judgement.

He was beyond drunk and probably wasn't aware that he even had fingers but he was the best option right now. I'd been searching for Arabella for about twenty minutes now in the overly crowded house but to no avail and I was giving up at this point. I just wanted to find her and get out of here as soon as possible so I could drift off into dreamland before having to face the hell that is school later on.

"Yeah! I saw her!" He yelled loudly, a few drops of beer spilling over the rim of his cup and into his blue and white Letterman jacket.

"Well," I urged him. "Where is she?"

"Follow me babe," He said as he spun on his heel heading down the narrow hallway.

Following behind him, he led me to yet another hallway and up a few stairs before he came to a halt, me stumbling into his back at his sudden stop. He turned to me slowly, the drunken look in his eyes gone, replaced with something sinister and dark and lust filled as he grabbed my hand roughly before I could turn around.

"Jesse, what're you doing!?" I shouted, trying to pry my hand away from his grasp.

"Shh!" He hushed me, slamming my petite body unto a nearby wall as he pressed himself against me.

The amount of alcohol he'd taken could probably be smelled from a mile away as he smirked at me, his hot breath urging me to pass out. His thin lips pulled into a lop-sided smirk as his unfocused eyes narrowed in on me.

"What's wrong Tess?" He asked wickedly as he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of my lips.

Pushing at his chest, I screamed, completely terrified but I doubted anyone could hear me considering the music was blasting and I believed Jesse knew that as well as he smirked much more widely before forcing his slimy lips on mine again as I fought against him.

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