The Final Chapter (Pt. 1)||

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SURPRISE!  (I'm sorry it's so late)

Please read author's note at the end.

I distractedly tapped the unopened pack of cigarettes' against the bench I sat on outside the hospital. I was halfway contemplating opening the box and smoking my stress away but the logical side of me was preventing me from doing just that.

It's been one month since the entire ordeal with Richard and the Eli.

It's also been one month since I'd heard his voice after Dr. Payne announced the coma he fell into shortly after the surgery. Dr. Payne had informed us that despite the surgery going so well, it was up to Elijah's body to do the rest of the work if he were to wake up. They'd told me that the first week was critical and I'd spent that entire week by his side-- as much as my father allowed considering I had to deal with my own injuries. 

I'd prayed for him-- something that I was unaccustomed to but I was willing to do anything if it meant that he'd wake up and be okay.

I flicked the box open, retrieved a cigarettes and then proceeded to stare at it for a while. I'd never smoked before. I knew it was bad for your health and I'm smart enough to know that this was a  bad idea but I needed something-- anything really to distract me from the constant thought of Eli never waking up again. That single thought was on repeat in my head from the moment I'd heard he'd been in a coma.

I was spiraling and I was unsure how much longer I could hold on and not completely lose it.

"Tessa! What the hell are you doing?" It was my mother's voice that brought me from my train of thoughts. She stormed up to me, dressed oddly immaculate for a hospital visit, and snatched the cigarette away from me in anger. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Maybe," I shrugged carelessly before squinting up at her past the sunlight. "Why are you here?"

"You haven't been home in three days, Tessa. I'm here to take you home."

"You say that as if you care about me and you know exactly why I'm here," I muttered, glancing away from her. "I can't leave him."

She's silent for the longest while before she sighed and took a seat beside me. "Look, I know that you carry some feelings for that boy but you have got to take care pf yourself Tessa. Your father and I are worried about you. You hardly eat anymore and your sleeping schedule is bizarre. Not to mention you haven't been in school for  a week."

"Don't try to act as though you're some doting and caring mother and, as for that boy, he has a name and I don't just carry some feelings for him, mother. I love him. Not that you'd ever understand that concept -- you know nothing about it."

"This behavior is unacceptable Tessa. We have an image to uphold. I mean this whole thing has been a mess and it's had people questioning my parenting considering my daughter has been involved with a god damn gang member. Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

"Shut up."

"Tessa!" She shouted in offence, taken aback by my outburst but truth be told, I was so fucking tired of it all. I was just so tired. Maybe I needed to yell at her just a bit to get  all the things I'd been meaning to say for the past eighteen years off my chest.

"I could care less about your image--"

"Young lady--!"

"No, just shut up and listen. You've always said what you wanted to, now it's my turn," I interrupted her harshly. "For the past eighteen years all I've ever done was try to please you over and over again. I've always done what you'd asked of me and I never questioned it and what do I get in return? Nothing! I only ever wanted you to love me, mom. Killian only wanted you to love him but all you've ever cared about was yourself and your stupid image! You don't care about us and I'm actually quite sorry that dad is stuck with you for the rest of his life because you're just so selfish!"

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