Chapter 7||

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"He was a touch of something dark, sinister and unholy but the very thought of him being mine excited me."

With each step I took, I could hear the whispers and boy did I feel the stares. Hugging my books to my chest, I walked a little faster to get to my locker. When I'd stepped out of my car this morning, the entire air seemed to shift. I didn't need to fight the guy who was about to steal my parking spot this morning as he'd willingly given it to me, fear evident in his eyes. I didn't even have to push my way through the kids in the hallway, they all just seemed to part away like the red sea, allowing me to pass, again, fear evident in their eyes.

Of course, I knew exactly why this was happening. After the fight between Jesse and Elijah, I was pretty sure word had gotten around rather quickly that I was the reason they were fighting to begin with and as such, the rumors began and all of them were just the same.

Apparently, it seemed that Elijah and I were dating, (completely preposterous I know) and Jesse had tried to make a move on me so Elijah beat the shit out of him.

And of course, my personal favorite; I cheated on Elijah with Jesse so he beat the shit out him.

All the rumors entailed the fact that Elijah was protecting me and as such, anyone associated with Elijah was feared because everyone knew, crossing Elijah Hastings always ended with severe consequences. Naively, everyone believed that Elijah and I were some sort of item, hence them being afraid of me.

Glanicng upwards, the man of the hour himself stood in all his glory, leaning against my locker. His hands were buried in the pocket of his grey hoodie, his hair hidden by the hoodie's cap, only a few loose strands peeking out on his forehead. Upon noticing my approach, he only made a move to push off once I was standing in front of him.

"Hey," I awkwardly greeted. I wasn't sure how to act around Elijah at this point. Last night, he proved that he really wasn't that bad of a guy after all and the way he treated me left me so damn confused but then again, maybe I was reading too much into the whole situation because, as he'd said, 'he would've done it for anyone'.

"Are you okay?" He asked yet again, completely out of character, his calculated and intense gaze set on me, searching. For what?..... I wasn't sure. He seemed so out of place and awkward as he fidgeted, awaiting my response.

"As fine as I'll ever be. You don't have to check up on me," I shrugged, entering the code for my locker.

Clenching his jaw tightly, he rolled his eyes, an action I've become quite used to. "I know but I just-- whatever."

"Why did you seem so intent on beating up Jesse anyway?" I asked curiously.

"Well, for starters, I never liked the guy and he needs to know that abusing women is something I don't take lightly," He shrugged.

"I'm fine as you can see. I'm in one piece."

I really didn't want Elijah getting in trouble because of me. I was grateful that he helped me last night but the last thing I needed was for him to get suspended or worst, expelled because he saw the need to be my knight in shining armor. I could take care of myself, I wasn't completely helpless.

"Yeah, well, I was just checking," He shrugged carelessly, his face resting back to that perfected bored look that gave away nothing.

"Well, well," A voice sneered distastefully. "If it isn't Elijah and his plaything."

Elijah immediately perked up, turning to face the owner of the voice and of course, it was Jesse. He stood tall with his bruised eye, completely proud, his hands slung over the shoulder of his girlfriend of the day, Nicole Bevan, three of his best friends surrounding him protectively.

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