Chapter 1||

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"I'm not okay, I'm just good at pretending I am."

A rather dark and unsettling aura floated in the air. We were all aware of what happened last weekend or what had almost happened but yet none of us could fully comprehend it.

The only thought that seemed to be on a steady repeat was; why?

Elijah Hastings is who any one would consider a well-known member of Crystal Gates High student body.

He was absolutely infamous but yet for all the wrong reasons.

Fighting, skipping classes, cursing out teachers or the simple ignorant comeback at yet another poor, unfortunate soul, you name it, he's done it.

Elijah was a lot of things, he was rude, sadistic, crude, good at baseball, good looking even but there's certainly one thing you'd never pin him for and that was suicidal.

But I guess you couldn't just look at the guy and suddenly decide 'hey, I think he's going to try and hang himself', certainly not. So, one could only imagine the utter shock we'd all been in when he was reported to have been found unconcious in his bedroom, several empty pill bottles scattered around him.

After his mother made the discovery, she was luckily able to contact an ambulance just in time for what would have happened would surely leave us all somewhat shocked. More than we currently are that is.

"Hey, Tessa," A startling whisper broke my train of thoughts.

Shifting in my seat, I warily glanced at my closest friend, Arabella.

"What?" I asked, slightly disinterested, my thoughts still lingering on the troubled boy.

"Did you hear about Elijah? Who would've thought that the bad boy was going to try killing himself?" She joked as my eyes narrowed slightly.

"Arabella!" I scolded with a disapproving look.

Elijah Hastings wasn't the nicest person on earth but even I couldn't help but feel sympathy for him.

I wondered, what could drive him to the brink of insanity? To the point where he no longer saw a reason to live?

"I'm sorry but really, who would've thought?" She apologetically raised her hands.

The truth was, no one would've thought. The very ground Elijah walked on was worshipped by the female population at Crystal Gates High although he never bothered to even give them the time of the day.

As popular as he was with the girls, it was the same with his baseball team. As captain, Elijah had brought our school team, The Pirates, through many games for the last three years and he did so with diligence as we'd managed to win each and every one due to his effectiveness.

So one could only wonder, why had Elijah Hastings attempted to take his life?

I shook my head, tapping my pencil lightly on the desk just as our science teacher, Mrs. Tomlinson, walled in, a solemn look plastered on her face.

I guess she as well was aware of the news. After all, word did travel fast at Crystal Gates High. The good and the bad.

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school had caught wind of the news. I could almost see it trending on their Facebook pages, "The Bad boy's suicidal". I definitely wouldn't put it pass the gossip mill to do such a thing.

"Okay class, I'm sure by now you've all heard the news about Elijah. He's currently in school today so I expect you all to tread lightly," She warned with narrowed eyes.

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