Chapter 9||

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'Don't ever judge a book by its cover'

"What the fuck were you thinking?" He asked angrily.

I remained silent, avoiding Elijah's heated gaze as much as possible. The truth was that I wasn't thinking, at all which was why I was in this situation to begin with.

"I'm sorry," I meekly apologized. Something in me hoped the anger behind his eyes would diminish just a tiny bit if I apologized but I slowly began to realize that wasn't going to happen.

"You're sorry? You're fucking sorry?" He repeated in obvious sarcasm and frustration.

"I heard him hit you so I was just checking to ensure you were okay," I tried explaining but I really made little sense when said out loud. It really wasn't my business to begin with and it's not as though I could've actually done anything to save Elijah if he was in any kind of danger anyway.

"You really seem to have a knack for finding trouble," He said frustratedly as he grabbed my arm, resulting in me hissing in pain.

Immediately, he let go at the sound of my pained cry, his calculated eyes taking note of the ugly bruise that formed on my upper arm where the man had grabbed me earlier.

"You're hurt," He said, his tone harsh as he glared at my bruised arm.

"It's nothing," I said brushing it off although the bruised area did pain a lot but Elijah didn't need to know that. It was my fault for intervening.

"Your stupidity has no limits when it comes to dangerous situations, does it?" He said in a flat tone, running a hand through his hair, tugging at it slightly.

"It's okay. I'm fine," I said before daring to ask, "Who was he?"

And there it was again, that fear, that anxiety, he became cautious and closed off immediately, before he muttered. "No one."


"Drop it McCarthy, it's none of your business. Come on," He said, grabbing my hand with his and leading me to the parking lot.

"You have a ride home if not I can take you?" He offered after a beat of silence. He seened as though he was half heartedly offering, merely for the heck of it. He probably felt guilty, not that he should, however.

"My friend's taking me home. There's no need," I declined as he turned to me with a stupefied look.

"Chris is going to ask your friend out to the after party so therefore you won't have a ride as he doesn't have car so they'll leave together."

"She said we're not going to the after party," I argued, crossing my arms.

"I'm sure if he asks she'll be gone with the wind considering she has a crush on him. And trust me, he'll ask."

"How'd you know about that?" I asked, gaping.

"Observation McCarthy. I'm pretty sure he's the only reason the both of you are here. She dragged you along because of him." He stated simple as my eyes widened at the truthfulness of his statement.

"That sounds slightly stalkerish if I do say so myself Hastings."

"That's hypocritical considering you followed me here, isn't it?" He smirked.

"I guess you're right but anyway, thanks for the offer but I'm sure she'll drop me off before they go to that party," I said.

"I'll take you. I just need to switch out if these clothing," He said with a shrug.

"I have a perfectly fine ride home," I defied in annoyance. It was clear that I didn't need his help so why was he pushing it anyway.

"Must you always be this damn stubborn?"

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