Sneak Peak: Home

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Hey guys! No, this isn't an update for Saving Eli but rather another book I'm currently working on. I will have the update for Saving Eli up later tonight as I'm almost done with that Chapter but I really wanted to share this with you guys! Let me know what you think.

*Trigger Warning: Mention of Suicide*

Title: Home (subject to change)


The boy hadn't the time to think because before he knew it, the girl was lunging herself over the edge of the cliff. Luke was quick to act, darting forward a few feet as he grabbed her, stumbling back clumsily at the weight of her body and his haste action.

Luke wheezed harshly with an 'oomph' as he landed on his back, the girl now sprawled over him unceremoniously. He watched as she shifted over his body, a pained groan pushing past his lips as she accidentally kneed him in the stomach.

The unknown girl sat upright, her creamy legs now straddling his waist as she glared harshly down at him with icy blue eyes. Those eyes looked quite familiar and Luke briefly remembered seeing her around school fleetingly.

"What the fuck?" She cursed as she struck him in the chest with her fist. "Do you randomly go around ruining suicide attempts? I've been trying to delve over that fucking cliff for months now and when I've finally decided to do it, you've come like some fucking prince charming to ruin it!"

Luke was at a lost for words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this girl seriously yelling at him for saving her life? One would think she'd have been a little more grateful but then the more logical side of his brain chimed in and he was quick to realize this girl didn't want saving.

She was clearly about to end her life for whatever reason and that thought made his stomach churn uneasily as his face twisted up in concern for the stranger and her troubles. Surely whatever it was that she was going through couldn't have been that bad so as to cause her to dive over the edge of a fucking cliff.

"Well, don't you think you owe me an apology?" She asked, an eyebrow raised expectantly at the shocked boy beneath her.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He finally managed to say. Luke was sure that his choice of words probably weren't that appropriate but it was the only thing he could think to say. He was in disbelief, not to mention his racing heart that was being pumped with more adrenaline than he could handle. If he'd been a second too late or even a few more steps behind her, she'd have died.

"Define crazy." Was her simple reply. The anger in her eyes seemed to dissipate quite quickly and Luke remained silent in bewilderment as she finally shifted off his body and stood to her feet, her hand surprisingly shooting out to offer him help to his feet.

Luke was sure the confusion on his face was obvious as he hesitantly clasped his hand in hers, allowing her to help him up, despite him doing most of the work. The boy brushed off the grass from his fitted black jeans, aware that the girl was watching him quietly as he did so. His eyes cautiously met hers and he caught the recognition dancing in them as she seemed to realize who he was.

"Hey," She spoke up with a smirk. "I know you. You're Luke Adams, we go to the same school."

"Yeah, I've seen you around," The boy replied, not entirely sure how she could so casually brush off her almost suicide.

"Name's Melanie," She introduced, her hand jutting out for a handshake as she rocked back on her heels. "I mostly go by Mel though."

"Mel," He tested the syllable on his tongue, nodding lightly. "You okay?"

"Considering you just ruined my suicide attempt, I'd say not."

"Are you really finding humor in the fact that you almost dove over the edge of a God damn cliff?" Luke asked.

Melanie shrugged uncaringly as she shoved her hands in the pocket of her thin dress. "I can either laugh or cry and I'm not the type to cry."

"You're insane," Luke spoke in disbelief, his mind unable to catch up with the events playing out before him.

"I've been called worst," Melanie shrugged uncaringly as she raked a hand through her hair.

"No," Luke shook his head in disbelief. "I think you're God damn mental. I can't even believe I'm having this conversation with you right now."

"Hey, you're the one that decided to save me," Melanie was quick to defend.

"Did you honestly expect me to just stand there whilst you jumped a hundred feet into rapid waters?"

"Yes, isn't that the point of a suicide?" Melanie asked rhetorically. "I wasn't exactly doing that for kicks ya' know."

"You don't wanna die."

"And how would you know that?" The girl hummed.

Luke's quickly lips parted but sealed just as fast because the boy was quick to realize that he didn't know that. He hardly knew Melanie and what her life was like. He does remember seeing her around school sometimes, maybe at a party or two but that was it.

He knew nothing about the girl before him and although she seemed quite okay in passing he now knew that she had to be anything but okay considering the basis of their entire conversation.

"Cat got your tongue Lucas?" The girl teased as she circled him in amusement.

Luke's face twisted in disgust at the god forbidden name. His father was quick to use that very name when scolding him which happened to be quite often and he hated the very sound of it. It simply reminded him of how much of a fucking disappointment and waste of space he was --it was really all he heard every waking minute of his life. It also reminded him that he needed to home soon as well or he'd receive the beating of a lifetime, not that it was anything unusual at this point.

"Don't call me that."

"It's your name, isn't it?" Mel quirked an eyebrow at him in question.

"My name's Luke," He stressed in annoyance as he twisted his head to face her. "Would you quit circling me like I'm a Goddamn science exhibit."

"Sorry," Melanie mumbled in apology although one could tell that she was, in fact, not sorry at all. "I get quite antsy. Hard for me to stay in one place for too long."

Luke doesn't know what to say at this point as he watches Melanie's busy body come to a halt before him. He wasn't ever put in a situation quite like this before and he's unaware if it's okay to leave her alone at this point. He doesn't know much about Melanie but his curiosity is definitely sparked at this point and he suddenly wants to know more about the strange girl.

"Are you going to be okay?" Luke asked gently or what he assumed was considered gentle -- he wasn't quite familiar with the term and what it entailed but he was trying.

"As okay as I'll ever be. Nice to know you care Lucas."

There goes that name again. Luke was sure that Melanie knew the name bothered him and that was exactly why she made it a point to call him that. He didn't have the strength to argue with her about it any further so he simply narrowed his eyes but didn't comment.

"Are you- uh- gonna....?" Luke trailed off, unsure of how to continue the question. He couldn't exactly right out ask her if she planned on finishing what he'd interrupted but how else could you phrase something like that.

"Jump?" Mel giggled. "No," She whispered whilst leaning in, "The mood is kind of ruined now."


Comment and tell me what you guys think! I'm really excited to share the rest of this story with you once I've completed Saving Eli.

Fun Fact: I was never going to admit this but I always write my stories as Harry Styles fan fiction before changing the male's name and physical appearance. I don't know why I find it easier to write like that lmaooo.

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