Chapter 24||

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Thantophobia-- the fear of losing someone you love

Once Emily had fallen asleep, Elijah spent a few more silent moments looking at her before he pushed some unruly strands of hair away from her forehead and pressed a sweet kiss to it.

After that, he stood up with a shaky sigh and glanced at me. My eyes softened at his broken expression. He looked lost and I was more upset at the fact that I couldn't do anything to help him.

I simply offered a small smile.

"Are you okay--- that was dumb, of course you're not okay." I facepalmed.

Of course he wasn't okay Tessa.

"I'm fine. Let's go." He replied in a clipped tone as he ushered me through the door.

Upon our exit, Elijah and I stumbled across Dr. Adams; Emily's doctor.

"Mr. Hastings, I'm glad that I've ran into you, I was just about to call your home. I need to have a word with you if that's okay?"

"What about?" He asked gruffly.

"It's about Emily's condition."

"Sure." Elijah nodded.

"Do you mind following me to my office." He pointed to the closed door to our right.

Elijah nodded once more as his hand found mine with a tight grip.

"Can I ask you to wait outside Tessa?" Dr. Adams requested.

I quickly pulled my hand away from Elijah's and took a step back before Elijah interjected.

"What? No, she comes in with me." He argued firmly.

"This is a rather personal matter Mr. Hastings, I'd suggest family only."

"She comes with me." Elijah said through gritted teeth.

With a less than pleased look, Dr. Adams gestured for us to enter through the wooden door. Once the door was shut and we'd all been seated, Dr. Adams sighed heavily.

"I'm not sure how to say this Mr. Hastings. It's actually never easy to inform a family of what I'm about to tell you."

"Just fucking spit it out." Elijah barked at him as I scolded him with a harsh glare.

"Emily's condition has deteriorated tremendously within the the past few weeks and the team and I have decided that there really is no treatment that can be given at this point. Emily's body has began to reject any medication given and at this stage, chemotherapy isn't an option any longer. I really hate to be the bearer of bad news Mr. Hastings but Emily only has about three weeks left-- a month at most but even that is a stretch."

"What the fuck are you trying to say?"

"What I'm saying Mr. Hastings is that I think it's crucial that you and your family spend as much time with Emily as possible because it is limited at this moment."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why the fuck do I pay you? To make her better and you've come to tell me that my eight year old fucking sister only has only three weeks to fucking live!" Elijah raged as he pushed back against his chair, now standing to his feet.

"Elijah, you need to calm down." I said as I eyed him cautiously from my seat.

"He's not doing his fucking job so don't tell me to calm down Tessa." He tugged at his hair.

"Mr. Hastings, I understand how you feel but-"

"Understand how I feel?" Elijah scoffed as he inched closer to the doctor, leaning over the mahagony table to glare harshly at him. "You have no fucking idea how I feel. My fucking sister is dying and you're the asshole who's supposed to be making her better but fuck, you can't even do that!"

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